
3.9K 137 16

771. They should have cell phone chargers in waiting rooms instead of magazines.

772. I bet when Cheetahs race and one of them cheats, the other one goes, "Man, you're such a Cheetah!" and they laugh & eat a zebra or whatever.

773. I just learned that to burn off the calories from 1 M&M you have to walk the length of a football field. Brb I have to run to China.

774. My loved one is such a good cook, Even the fire alarms are cheering them on.

775. All it takes is monster-filled darkness behind me, that's when I run into my room faster than an Olympic sprinter.

776. I just coughed and sneezed at the same time, I think I traveled 3 seconds into the future.

777. Do night sweats count as a workout?

778. Hey couples who write on each other's Facebook walls, NO ONE cares how much you love each other, so cut it out!

779. Save as: "fjhdsk" ... The file "fjhdsk" already exists ... "fjhdsk 2″.

780. Updating my resume.. What's a fancy way to say "I haven't done anything for the past 6 months"?

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