94: arrogance

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Oliver : ice huh? I've never really fought an alchemist . This would be interesting.

kemin: you say the most boastful things. I don't blame you You have had a high position for many years. The queen of briggs is most suitable for you I feel.

oliver: I thank you for your praise. But you should know flattery doesn't work on me.

kemin: its not flattery. Its the truth. The truth which is, the one being arrogant shall be taught a lesson. And the lesson for you Miss Oliver, is me. Maybe it a little inappropriate because I am much stronger you though.

oliver: I have met many men like you who look down on people like me. And in the end, its them who suffer. I really wonder who's the one being arrogant now.

alex: exactly, did you forget about me? You arrogant one.

" oh. I am not arrogant. I assure you. " he swings his blade and a wave of ice came towards them. Alex punches the ground making a wall to stop the ice. The wall eventually breaks and the ice comes through. Oliver dodges to the left a little making a small graze by her cheek.

" damn it. Alex!! We need to keep moving forward!! " Alex nods and makes the ground rise up like a platform .

" there you are. Finally advancing?"another wave of ice. bigger and higher this time wanting to swallow the entire of oliver. She jumps and takes the plunge. The ice stops advancing forward and a stone platforms rise again a lot lower then the first one. Alex punches the ground again, the platform forms a triangular edge moving forward knocking off all the ice in front.

kemin: not bad.

A huge ice wall was formed and the platform starts to slow down pushing itself into the huge ice wall. The ice wall had small cracks and dents but it wasn't making much progress for the platform. Kemin smirked " baka. " Reaction occurs and a spike came out from the ice wall. Oliver bent over and did a cartwheel. She pointed the wall with her blade " you coward!!! Open up!! "

kemin: I wouldn't call it cowardice.

Ice spikes came out around oliver's area. She slices them away or dodged "you bastard!! "

kemin: its strategy. Like you wall of briggs. This is my wall of ice.

Oliver jumped up to a broken piece of ground made form earlier " alright then. You shall see your own wall fall from your very ice. For the strongest wall isn't made out of alchemy. But will!!! I will show you that. "

kemin: hahaha... alright then. I will show you what is arrogance.Come, try to even break my ice wall.

He increases the thickness of the ice wall. Just then he felt a presence behind him. He raise his hands and freeze whatever was coming at him from behind . It was a wolf leaping at him. The wolf was impaled with fierce eyes staring at him even at death. " tsk. Kia. She is something to train such wolves. What a disgusting stare. "

" right? " *clank*

kemin: isn't this rita?

rita: you think I am out of commission already? That's mean.

kemin: you have no more energy to even use alchemy. Don't forget I have the kenja no ishi.

rita: really? And who did I just kill? Doesn't he have one too?

" don't you threaten me. " kemin freezes his blade spreading to hers. She drops her blade and retreats in a distance as the path mists and spreads a thin ice towards her. She lands a feet on the floor and retreats some more. Kemin builds a ice wall surrounding him even at the back.

rita: not scared of me. Ya right. This would have been a perfect roasting pit if roy is here. Sigh... poor wolf. I would have snatch it as my pet if it hadn't died.

Rita flash steps to the front to meet oliver " hey. "

alex: rita. Are you ok already?

rita: a little energy left. Still exhausted. After this bullshit, its alcohol and sleep.

oliver: first how do we even tackle this.

rita: simple. Just break it. He can't see of the front now he closed himself in.

oliver: what do you mean?

rita: he was using ice as mirrors to see the front beyond this wall. I just made himself closed in thinking I have a kenja no ishi and would screw his brain.

alex: I see.

oliver: but its still a problem. This thing is too tough.

Then ice spikes shoots from the wall again. Alex makes a wall from the spikes.

rita: I have an idea. But the last crucial part is very important. Can you kill this guy even if it takes your arms?

oliver: of course. I don't hesitate.

Rita draws a short blade from inside her shirt. She takes blood from her wound and draws a circle on her blade " I am so glad I memorised this from kia's blade. " She cut alex's wall down and ddges the ice spikes charging forward and at close distance she releases a big slice creating a big crack in the ice wall.

Rita: now!!!

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