55: a mistake

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Kia: zzzz I want to sleep....

Lee: wake up already. We need to head to heinias.

Kia: ah... Lee. Never mind... It doesn't matter.

He carries her up by the front " what's the matter? "

Kia: I hate you. Put me down.

Lee: well you didn't want to wake up.

She leaned to his shoulder " sleep... Than you'll carry me for the whole journey. "

Lee: I don't mind.

Kia: you're crazy...

Lee: not as crazy as you. What were you talking about?

Kia: um... I was going to ask you to not bring advanced alchemy out of heinias. But whatever... Its already out. Its sooner or later the people of this world will come to know of it.

He strokes her hair " you think a lot. "

Kia: its my job to.

Lee: let's go now.

Kia: put me down first!!!

Lee: nope.

*knock knock *

Kia: roserie?

Roserie: kia...

Kia: huh? Lee!! Put me down!!

He sat down on the bed but didn't let go.

Kia: I said put me down!!!

Lee: we are down.

Kia: sigh... What do you want?

Roserie: you found out about the jura thing?

Kia: it wasn't difficult. Breda and the others also found out quickly the connection. Just hadn't said anything.

Roserie: oh... Than how did you know I was going to kill winryl?

Kia: didn't. Until last night. I was planning to do it anyway. Just went along with it.

Roserie: are you still going to kill me?

Kia: that's not my business. Its his.

Roserie turns around " kain..." she looks away " you despise me don't you?"

Kia: let's go out. You annoying.

Lee: hai hai. *leaves*

Kain: roserie... Daijobu?

Roserie: hai. Why?

Kain: eh? Huh?

Roserie: why care?  Why are you here?

Kain: we've known... Just didn't understand. You don't like your mother. Treat her more like your subordinate. Why still keep her?

Roserie: because I'm cold. I wanted a weakness to feel human. I digust myself for not having a weakness.

Kain: you do!!!

Roserie: kain... What are you talking about... You don't even really know me.

Kain: you're... Conflicted. I can tell. I've been to war. I understand. People who have sunk in killing people. Not wanting to admit we have become monsters who kill. We wished to have something human. Peace. Kindness. We wished for it. Than when we attained it... We still miss the days a little when we were at war.

Roserie: you've... Gone through a lot too.

Kain: so abandon it!!! Would you... Abandon that weakness...? Be on our side... Than... *blush * be with me?

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