81: overtaken

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May: that picture. Where did you get it?

Lee: I secretly took it while she was sleeping.

Kia was sitting on his lap snuggling against his chest asleep.

May: you'll never forget her huh.

Lee: um. I haven't erased my mark on her.

They reached back in xing and lee and may returns to lee's house.

" hey may. Long time no see. " Lee's mother greeted.

May: hai. Oba-san.

" Arigato neh."

May: huh?

" we've heard from yujiri. She left by the way. "

Lee sips on his tea " the better "

" lee marked someone. Its you neh. We have to get you two married!! " she realises the ring " oh oh. Is that so? Congratulations. "

May: its not me.

" no...? Then... Lee... Why didn't you bring her back? "

Lee: couldn't.

" that expression same as your father makes. She's gone isn't she? "

Lee: yea. Gone.

" how precious was she? "

Lee took out the picture and her mother took a look " is this enough to shut you up? "

Her mother's eyes widens " I'm glad she died. "

Lee: what are you talking about!!!

" look at her!!! That face!!! How many men she has served!! Its obvious she's a dirty woman!! She'll only bring sadness and frustration to her partner!! "

Lee: shut up with your face reading nonsense!!! Your whatever aura nonsense!!! You know I don't believe in these things!!

His mother bangs the table " what don't believe?!!! You used to at those other governors!! Must be that girl." she takes up the picture and tears it into half " she's a jinx!!! "

Lee picks up the two halfs. The picture was torn between her head and kia's body. " get out. Never return. I don't care if you have to beg father to take you back. Get OUT!!! "

May: lee... Daijobu?

Lee: you get out too... I can't contain myself...

May: ok...

May leaves.

Lee: call for sonagi.

Sonagi: its been a long time since we had an encounter. Seems you're really pissed.

Lee pushed her onto the floor and pins her hands " I'm very pissed. " he released her ribbons and bites roughly onto her shoulder. She screams " lee...!!! "

He moves on down to her breasts with a series of kisses... That's when he stopped and walked away. He seats down at the table ".... Fuck... I can't get it out... " his tears started flowing...

Sonagi walked to the desk and picked up the picture " your mum tore this?She your marked one?"

Lee: she's cute right?

Sonagi: her aura is strong. She must have killed many people. Some hate her, some like her. Many used her. She has too kind a face. With a face like mine... Many men must have wanted her body.

Lee: you're sounding annoyingly like my mom now. I'm only standing it because you're not making it sound as bad as hers.

Sonagi: arigato. A woman with men problems bring sadness and frustrations to her partner. But also she's stubborn, must make the people around her always worried.

Lee: you could say that. She's like me.Like you said. I have a face of a pervert hidden within of a gentleman's.

Sonagi: except she's a tough slave which worked her way up. You're a natural borne leader.

Lee: what? Are you saying we're not compatible?

Sonagi: I didn't say anything. Say how did you give your mark to her?

Lee: she didn't ask for it. But I am pretty sure she wanted to be mine. You could say she was desperate. But who cares, I really love her. It didn't matter to me. And now... She's really mine.

Sonagi: isn't that sweet? Not bad. She'll stick to you. She is stubborn.

Lee: arigato. You can leave after taking your money.

Sonagi sticks herself snuggling beside him " not even a little fun? "

Lee: I'm not feeling it.

Sonagi: a man with his heart bind is my taste. Too bad you're not mine to claim. I'm leaving.

Lee: ling yao. Hey.

Ling yao: sorry about kia.

Lee:.... I know.

Sonagi walked in " lee? May? What brings you to my nii-san's palace?"

Ling yao: obviously because we have things to talk to. I haven't scolded you for your act last night. You have to stop this. You're a princess right now.

Sonagi: we didn't do anything. Neh lee.

Lee: nothing. I promise. My mind is occupied.

Ling yao: enough of that. I've got something to show you.

" hey. Long time no see. Little girl. "

May: greed?!!! Why are you here?!!! And I'm not a little girl anymore!!

Greed: true enough. You have boobs now.

May: *blush* hey!!!

Lee: he is?

May: one of the homonculus.

Greed: where's that short one and the metal guy?

May: you mean ed and al? They got back their bodies. Ed still has his automail leg though.

Greed: I see.

May: so... Whose body are you taking over?

" not a face I like. " he reveals his human form and it shows a short guy.

May: hahaha... What goes around. Comes around.

Greed: urusei. Ling yao, want to partner me again?

Ling yao: honestly why me?

Greed: I just think you're a good partner. You have skills. That's all.

Ling yao: really?

Greed: well, you're a king too. But you know that's not enough for me.

Ling yao: than what are you aiming for?

Greed: hahaha!!! What I've always aimed for world domination. King of the world.

Lee: its enough chaos for now though.

May: exactly!!!

Lee: but it wouldn't be bad to have an extra alley on our side.

May: well... You're right.

Ling yao: let's be together again. Greed.

" couldn't be more happy. " greed transfered himself with the kenja no ishi to ling yao. Ling yao screamed but it was over fast.

Ehto if you guys remember... Greed sound like greed and ling yao like ling yao.

Greed: I like this feeling a lot much more.

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