83: a dead comrade

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At Parliament....

" if there's nothing to discuss about then we shall end the meeting. " The Secretary announces.

Jura: colonel mustang seems to have something to say.

" colonel mustang. "

Roy stands up " yes. No... I do not havw anything to report. "

Jura: are you sure?

Oliver: roy. What's going on?

" he's challenging me. He wants me to tell about the kenja no ishi. He wants me to say. " roy tells oliver.

Oliver: I see.

Roy: I have nothing to report. Unless you do have something you want to report about. Fuhrer jura.

Jura: don't say I didn't give you the chance. I pity your little friend.

Roy: are you threatening me?

" what's going on?!!" the president asks.

Jura: nothing. I assure you. President. Its just a little deal we had. Someone is just so coward and heartless.

Roy couldn't hold it back anymore his clenched fist release and points at Jura, oliver stands up immediately " roy mustang!!! You traitor!!! You want this country to fall?!!! "

".... Is this true?"

Jura snickers " who knows."

" colonel mustang. Explain yourself. "

Oliver: its not a big matter president.

Jura: you people are so desperate to stop me. You can't. I... Made kenja no ishi. My president.

" what?!!! Do you know how dangerous that thing is?"

Jura: of course I do. Human lives. That's what worries you is it not? But it grants us power. Don't you want power? President.

".... For what? "

Jura: to conquer my president. Conquer the other countries, nations,make us strong. Be feared of.

Oliver: this cannot be allowed president!! We just acquired peace. This peace is hard to attain.

Roy: I agree president. If you agree, you'll be handling more power to the fuhrer. It will be uncontrollable like in the past.

Jura: no pain no gain. The means. The resources. The history to be made are always cruel. Do you want to make history?  My president.

Roy: president!!!

" you get my permission jura. "

Jura bows " I thank you. President. "

Jura: I have a feeling... You will like my present.

Roy: you....

Riza pov:

I walked into the room with the intention to ask him how it went. I saw him sitting on the sofa hunched over. I walked over to see.... A rectangular box...

I reached to open it when roy stood in front of me and hugged me tight. He cried softly. " what's wrong? " I asked but he just squeezed me harder.

Riza: what's in that box?

Roy: fal...man....

I gasped... That... That... Is his body? I squeezed roy back. My heart broken. I could understand his feelings. Tears fell down my cheeks. " its... Ok... He understood it was his job. "

Roy: its not his job!!! He wasn't supposed to die!!! I didn't plan to drag anyone to death!!! All I wanted to do was...!! Was...!!! Was... Just to protect... A small group of people I cherished and move up in the ranks.

I dried his tears " roy..." He touches my hand and leans against it crying harder " saving the world... I just wanted us to live... Was I too arrogant? " I can't answer. I don't know what is the answer.

Riza: roy... You've been sitting there for a few days doing nothing.

He just keeps quiet. I go to keep his messy table flown with papers. He must have been frustrated. I pick up one and saw it read :
That cowardice. That method is your method of protecting what? Your country? In the end... You're just someone who couldn't protect anything. Not even a human. And you dare talk about country.

Well done. Roy mustang. You useless human.

I walk over behind him " are you going to sit there forever? "

Roy: I can't do anything.

Riza: who said that?

Roy: my actions proved it.

Riza: what happened to protecting?

Roy: I can't... Not even falman... What can I even do...? Only... *looks at hands* destroy.

The door flies open " YOU LAZY BUTT." oliver picks up roy by the collar " ARE YOU GOING TO SIT THERE FOREVER? "

Roy: you won't understand. You never had a subordinate you really cared about as family.

Oliver: maybe not. But I'm not like you at least. Making your subordinates worried for you.

Roy looks to kain,jean and breda. They looked at him with a worried expression. He then looks back at oliver " then maybe I'm not fit to be a leader. "

Oliver: you're right. You are not fit to be a leader. BUT they already are following you. Are you going to abandon them now?


Kain: colonel... Falman didn't do it for nothing right?

Roy: I'm such an idiot.

Oliver let him go " damn right you are. Jura and some other idiot is on a trip faraway from here. " He adjusts his shirt " ok. I'm going. " He walks pass oliver to riza " gomen. Made you worry. " He takes her hand and walks out the door " arigato. "

Oliver: leaders don't thank people. Baka.

Roy smiles " I guess. "

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