11: a fragment memory

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( frin's pic)

" colonel Liasli. You're back. " the man says with a serious face.

kia: I trusted you not to open these doors.

al: these?

eliza: there is another door at the end of this white space aka bridge. They open and close at the same time.

"eliza, did you just get another new friend without me?"

she ran to him and hugged him " Frin. " He stroked her hair " I missed you " and kissed her hair.

eliza: me too.

kia: talk. Who messed with my fucking authority . HUH?

frin: not really a high ranking person. But he says its our rival gurent.

kia: hn. So yuki is fine?

frin: well... she seems happy with her new corpse.

kia: YOU LET HER KILL THE GUY? Great... now we got no chips.

roy: you changed a lot since the last time I know you.

kia: which part?

Roy: the shouting part. The kia I know was gentle and vicious.

Kia: well... Power do stuff to you I guess.

They walked towards to the other door and... They were presented with another world.

Al: this place...

Ed: its just like another city.

Eliza: it is. Just that this is a world that can only be accessed through by the door you just came through. It doesn't exist anywhere geographically on the map in the world you live in.

Ed: amazing...

Eliza: nobody knows who created this place really. The author who wrote the book of how this place was created passed to a young boy who didn't know his name before dying before his eyes.

Al: that's... Kinda sad.

Riza: well... Welcome to heinias.

" Door of reuga, close. " kia said and the big doors close.

Ed: how does it even work?

Kia: I was acknowledged by the door to be its keeper. To control the open and close of it. I can give that splitted authority to anyone else.

Ed: acknowledge... So there are certain conditions?

Kia: they say only the best would be acknowledged. My father whose so skilled tried but failed. The door rejected him and took away all his hands and legs.

Al: but he got them back right? with yuki's help.

Eliza: of course!!! Yuki can be pretty convenient you know.

May: but you were accepted neh. What was the test like?

Kia: test...

They reached the mansion.

May: big!!!

Kia: so? Where's the guy? Please tell me yuki didn't kill him.

Frin: no. But this guy did kill some of our men.

Kia: oh. Bring him.

Ed: but I thought... You said only certain people can open.

Kia: ah. That's true. But we have a certain button that can open the doors too. Its an emergency button. In case I'm not in to open the door. Thing is, I never told anyone where it is, only some people.

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