86: < The Trip >

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Lee was carrying kia on his back " was this even necessary? " kia leaned her head onto his shoulder.

lee: I just want you near me.

kia: I am already enough near isn't it? Just put me down.

lee: no. Stay.

ed: luckily winryl is not here. 


winryl pulls onto his arm " ed~~ ed~~ carry me."

*end of imagination*

ed: no!!! 

kia: I bet you can't even carry her. Can you? *smirks*

ed: its not like that!!!

al: hehe.I bet it is.

Roy suddenly carries riza up bridal style " you should be able to do at least this, hagane no. If not... " Riza blushed " roy!! Let me down!! " They finally reach the place where the big gate is, kia comes down form lee's back and sighs " I can't run away from this place...." She opened the big gate.

kia pov:

hey, you're back.

kia: I guess.

ready to fight and die for  me again?

kia: I really want to say no.

but that's not the agreement between us.

kia: you're so annoying. Why can't you be clean cut like the Truth?

because I'm not.

kia: stupid gate.

I entered into heinias and the first face I see is frin. He suddenly hugs me " eliza.... you better don't die idiot ."

kia: I will try.

frin: if you die... I will do the same as eliza and than never forgive you.

kia: you two harsh people. Who told you?

frin: herself that night. I couldn't stop her. She was too far away from me at that time. So don't do something that would make me not forgive you.

kia: frin....


 They returned to izumi's house. Winryl waved excitedly " ed!! Al !! "

Al: where are you going?  May.

May then walked into the house to carry a baby in her arms as she walked out , al's eyes widened in happiness. He ran to may and hugged both of them " may..." his tears fall " the baby is so small." May nods " um... prematured. Its a girl. I asked winryl to help me take care of it while I was on the other side."  

al: does she have a name yet?

" of course it does !! " izumi walks out " mallie. Nice name isn't it? " 

"um. arigato sensei. Arigato winryl." Al carries the baby in his hands really happy, overjoyed. Ed takes the baby over " aww... so cute. " Just than the two kids pull on ed's coat " papa!! How about us?!! " Ed gives the baby back to al and hugs both of them " rickie and maya are cute too. " Winryl joins the hug " all of you are cute." 

Al: gomene. I wasn't there while you were having it.

May: it's ok. Lee helped me.

Al: eh?!!!!

May: midwife. He help me call a midwife.

Al: phew...

Lee: I'm not that kind of pervert!!!

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