28: answers and questions

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Al: nii-san!! You're back!!

Ed: ah.

May: welcome back!!! We've got a great news!!

Ed: oh!! What is it?

Eliza: the transmutation circle we stole from the library. I've got something out of it.

Kia: really?!!! What?!!

Yuki runs and hugs rita " rita!!! "

Rita hugs back " yuki!!! "

Eliza: she's real?

Rita: of course I'm real!!!

Kia: so what did you find out?!!

Al: that transmutation circle destroys kenja no ishi. But we don't know how to activate it.

Eliza : there are some conditions that needs to be fulfilled.

May: but never mind right? I mean we can always use kia's technique.

Frin: that's the bad part.

May: eh? Why?

Frin: maybe you don't know but... Kenja no ishi cannot be completely destroyed. What kia can do is only separate them into really tiny pieces till they cannot release enough power to do something. That's how kia's technique work. Taking it apart in molecular level.

Ed: that's also what happens when one has uses finished kenja no ishi?

Frin: hai. There is not enough energy to bind them together, so they split into molecules.

Eliza: this transmutation circle... It destroys even the tiniest molecule of kenja no ishi

Al: wait!!! Are you saying... Kenja no ishi can be put back even after in molecular form?

Eliza: I assume this technique exists. If not... Why is there a need to come up with a way to destroy it in molecule level?

Al: *bangs table* damn it!!! We need to know more...

" al..." ed looks to him with a worried face than to kia.

Kia: I understand.

May: can I ask another question?

Kia: what?

May: I heard about your talk. Rita... Is she really revived?

Kia: what do you mean?

May: well... Ed and al never succeeded... You did using a real soul... I... Doubt kenja no ishi. Because... Kenja no ishi feels like... Its just a bundle of massive energy.

Al: you put it that way... Everything that seemed impossible in our world is possible here because the people here knows how to make efficient use of the energy they have around them. Could it be...

Ed: kenja no ishi... Is a bundle of massive energy... Generated from souls.

Al: but I saw 'father' (ehto, season 2 fmab, its the big bad guy's nickname) create my metal arm!!!

Yuki: you know metal comes from the earth right? He just has to extract it out from the earth, process it,than connect it to your arm. A complicated process like that does need massive energy.

Al: hn... This way kenja no ishi fits the bill of a massive bundle of energy.

Ed: so the conclusion is that kenja no ishi is a bundle of massive energy that doesn't need a transmutation circle to transmutate things?

Eliza: hm... That makes sense. So... After all it is kinda still a mystery. No transmutation circle to decompose and reconstruct...

Kia: information. Answers. You guys need that huh...

Rita: kia... Are you serious?

Kia: I'm thinking.

Ed: rita can I ask you something?

Rita leans forward " hai ~?"

Ed looked back with determined eyes " its about kia"

Rita: no blush? Hmm... Ok than.

Ed: what seal?

Rita: its a transmutation circle. Its burned onto her since the day they decided she should carried. It was only because everyone was afraid of her. So much for " holy seal"

Ed: I see... But wouldn't such a seal be a burden?

Rita: that circle works on special conditions. It collects natural energy. You know the kind we take from our surroundings to use to transmutate things.

Ed: collects on its own? First time I heard something like that. Is that even strong?

Rita: it is, overtime collecting that much. It has to be. It seals... Souls inside.

Ed: what?!!!

Rita: it was war. The liasli family thought of sucking people's souls into a seal instead of killing people. They thought it would be faster. Where most people were in a front face battle. They used this circle and embedded it on a human. A liasli. So they have guard it.

Ed: what happens if they are released...?

Rita: angry, screaming, malice souls. You think?

Ed: than what's with the 25 thing.

Rita: well as smart as liasli were, someone managed to hack their circle before they closed it. He set a condition to the seal. At that time it was towards the man who held the seal. His birthday was in a few days,so that condition.

Ed: that someone wanted to take revenge by letting the souls free.

Rita: but the seal remained closed as they managed to marry him off to a random girl. It was really lucky that the girl even accepted a person like him.

Ed; you're being mean.

Rita: you're being stupid. Not many people wants to marry someone with a seal on the back. It looks dangerous.

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