51: a plot

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Yuki: eliza.

She seats in her chair looking to the door with a displeased look " why are you standing there? Come in. "

Eliza walks in. Yuki motions to the door with her eyes " close. " Eliza closes the door "what?"

Just than hands come out from the ground and grabbed onto eliza's leg. Hands holding each other stretched like a string and wrapped themseleves around eliza.

Eliza: stop it!!!! I hate this!!! You know that!!!

Yuki make the hands let go of her but still mingling around her. Yuki walks close to Eliza " you know I don't like you. "

Eliza: I know. You always force yourself to call me nee-chan. The only nee-chan you have in your brain is kia.Trust me. I don't like you either. You're disgusting and hateable.

Yuki: that's why I hate you. Tsk. Always so elegant and whatnot. No wonder they say half blood sisters are horrible.

Eliza: that I agree. Except kia. She's the only half blood sister we both have and can't get to hate.

Yuki: stop acting smart.

Yuki touches to her face and eliza looks away. Yuki smiles evily " you don't know how much I want to put a alchemy connection nerve on you. Than I can control you like a puppet. "

Eliza: tsk. And I thought you wouldn't go that low. That disgusting.

Yuki: I don't. I won't.

She steps backwards and seats onto the table " I don't like to control people who have no wish to listen to me. That's why dead people are the best. But you know what? You're the best specimen to nee-chan. Nee-chan won't even have to take medicine to solve cell rejection problems. Nee-chan can become stronger!!!

Eliza: pervert. Psycho.

Yuki: ursei. At least I'm doing something. Not like you. Only knowledge. Like that can accomplish a thing.

Eliza: you can't kill me.

Yuki: sekai (correct). I hate that. But its a true stupid fact. Nee-chan will be so angry at me if I do that. She'll never agree in using your parts. Meaning... There's no reason for me to kill you. You're just an eyesore. So much I don't even want to store you.

Eliza: yuki... You know I can get rid of these hands easily if I want to right?

Yuki: bla bla bla. I know. But you won't. We have the same thing stopping both of us.

Eliza: ah. Nee-chan. We're... Afraid of killing each other.

Yuki: that's why... If you betray nee-chan... You'll give me a reason to kill you. Not for hobby eyesore. I don't need your corpse. For my nee-chan. Don't make me really hate you.

Eliza clenches her fist " yuki... Promise me to kill me if you think I'm going to betray nee-chan. "

Yuki's eyes widens and makes one of the arms grab eliza by her neck " explain yourself. "

Eliza: or maybe... Just kill me here...

The arm grabs tight and eliza starts to suffocates. Eliza smiles... The arm lets go.

Yuki: what the fuck?!!! Eliza!!!

*slice* the door cuts down. Rita walks in " what the fuck? Its noisy. "

Eliza: nothing...

Rita: don't shit me. That amount of murderous aura from a psycho and that wanting to die face from a smartass. What's going on?

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