33: the long awaited

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yuki: teleportation circle set. One is drawn on my hand.

frin: eliza and I have drawn the circle on the floor.

" we're ready." ed,al and zihein said.

" I have already set up the formation." may said, her daggers were placed in a circle and one drawn on the outside of the one frin had drawn.

roy: we can proceed.

Rita: don't worry. I'll kill them all.

Riza: agreed.

Kia: ja... Lets start.

Eliza and frin looks to may and roy. May and roy place their hands on the other circle and a barrier is set up.

" hold on neh. Nee-chan. " eliza and frin starts the alchemy reaction. Strong alchemy lightning reacts and hits the barrier and kia screams.

Ed: tsk... Kia...

Eliza: damn it...!! Ed!! Al!!! Zihein!!!

The three joins in and touches the circle.

Al: how... Strong... My energy...

Frin: be careful not to lose control. If you let it suck all of your energy in,you'll...

Zihein : die.

May: al!!! Be careful!!!

Ed: tsk. Hold on!! Al!!!

The alchemy lightning continues to hit the barrier.

Roy: tsk. This isn't easy either. The alchemy reaction... Its tearing the barrier apart.

Riza: roy!!!

Yuki : hold on!!! If that thing strikes one of the walls, this place will start to crumble.

Rita: ah... Why isn't the intruder alarm ringing yet?


Thain: who are you? Blocking my way.

" me? I'm Rikoa. You should not take one more step further. "

Thain: one person. Are you saying I shouldn't underestimate you?

(pic above) Rikoa: probably.

Thain: forward!!!

Thousands of spears come out from the ground as a circle surfaced from the ground. All the soldiers thain brings dies in an instant.

Thain: storage alchemy. What are you?!!! Why are you blocking me?!!

" that massive energy..." thain thinks.

Rikoa: you don't have to know. You don't have to know.

Thain clenches his handle of his blade " move. Or I'll cut you. "

Rikoa: if you can.

" rikoa!! " a voice echoed.

Rikoa: its fine.

Thain: why do you even insist?!!!

Rikoa: because... I simply cannot let you touch my precious one.

Thain plucks out his blade and runs forward, alchemy reaction ready to strike around his blade. But without even landing a strike... Another alchemy reaction breaks Thain's blade into pieces. He stops in his steps immediately, but realises... He's right in front of rikoa.

Rikoa just smiles " gotcha. "

Suddenly a long chain from the surface of the ground, which a circle appeared grabs onto thain. Thain starts to suffocates... His eyes widens than... The chain lets him go. Thain faints.

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