42: intrude

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Rita pov:

I entered her mind easily since she granted me the permission to. I didn't have to break in.

Rita:Can you hear me? Kia.

Kia: rita... Why are you here?

Rita: I need a favour from you.

Kia: favour... But what kind?

Rita: open the barrier for me.

Kia: but nii-san will be upset. What if he scolds me? What if he dislikes me? What if... He decides to abandon me?

I knew it. Her mind is too occupied over her nii-san. All her feelings in disarray. Nothing to grab on. The only real thing she thinks she has a grab on is, her nii-san. Well I don't blame her. She has been obsessed with him since... Who knows when.

Letting out all her cooped up feelings after it has been locked up for so long... Of course it would be painful. Meaning... I have no choice but to break her.

I walk towards her and hug her. Let the illusion begin.

I stand by her side and whispers softly " kia... How about I lead you to your nii-san?"

Kia: really? You will do that?

Rita: um.

So easy to lie to. Not even a doubt. If it was the normal her she would have doubted me and pushed me out. How fragile you have become.

Rita: first walk out of the room you are at.

She walk towards the door and tries to budge. Damn. Its locked. I am seeing through her eyes.

Rita: kia, where's your sword?

Kia: katana... Confiscated...

She kneels down and cry " I can't see nii-san.... Like that... "

I wrap my arms around her neck " its ok. I'll think of something. "

Kia: really?

Rita: um.

I'm so glad I'm a pervert :) . I once peeped while kia was showering so I know something people don't really know. The transmutation circle she carved on her back.

Rita: put your hand to the door and break the door. You can destroy the door easily.

Kia: I can?

Rita: you have a circle on your back that destroys everything. Remember?

Kia: you're right... Alright... I'll not be so violent. I'll just break some of the molecules.

She puts her hand to the door and alchemy reacts. The door handles and a clink sound could be heard. A chain. Its broken. She pushes open the door and walks outside.

Kia: where's... Nii-san?

Rita: in the security room. He's always guarding. Like how he guards you.

Kia: you're right...

She walks around a little and meets someone. A guy. " kia, how did you get out?"

Kia: I just did.

" shouldn't you stay inside?"

Kia: I want to see nii-san.

" eh... "

Rita: kill him. He's going to keep you inside and not let you out again.

She grabs his arm and a huge alchemy reacts. He screams and turns into dust. Literally... Moleculised. How scary I_I Luckily I'm on her good side.

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