26: unveiled

11 1 0

(rita pic)

A small explosion busted open the door " don't be so rude. I said special delivery already. "

ryuuga: ala, a guys who deals with explosions. Remind me of that man you have at home.

kia: that sounds wrong. In every way. He is my nii-san.

ryuuga: you mean your fake nii-san.

kia: he is real. Just... not real real.

ryuuga: stubborn.

lily: its you...

kia: oh great. She recognises him. Now she will beg me not to kill me. How very troublesome. How really very troublesome.

ryuuga: itadakimasu.

Ryuuga charges in and gives a punch to this man's face, ryuuga's hand bleeds but recovers almost instantly than throw a few more punches. The man collapses onto the floor. Ryuuga was about to give another punch when a coffin appeared in front of ryuuga. He had punched through the coffin door and made a hole . He stopped in time to see a human face. He retreated his steps " how vile."

lily: that face.... rita

kia: you, is it real?

" its not you. I have a name you damn it. Oops. How rude. I mean I am calendine. "

Ryuuga: *vomits * too elegant a name for you.

Calendine: hey!!!

Ryuuga: you're in rags.

Calendine: they're experience of long time living on this earth. Appreciate it!!!

Suddenly a flash of alchemy strikes towards calendine. He pushes the coffin which was seating upright down. The flash of alchemy destorys the coffin and the body inside comes out.

Calendine: aren't you violent? Kia.

Lily: rita!!!

Kia: the body is perfect condition... What's going on?

Calendine: revived her. As promised. But.... On your side... Lily...

Kia: I'll get her back. I promise.

Ed: baka!!! You're hurting like hell isn't it?? Get some rest!!!

Kia: yuki.

A circle appeared on the ground and she appeared " what? Oh..." she sniffs " the smell of... Corpses... I like. "

Calendine: hey yuki.

Yuki: oh no. The person I didn't want to see.

Calendine: why?

Yuki: you're disgusting.

Calendine: huh??? We're the same!!!!

Yuki: I'll heal you later nee-chan. First... *smirks * let me kill him.

Suddenly Rita's eyes open and stood up charging towards yuki at high speed. With the circle in her palm, she summoned a katana. A long thin one. Yuki summoned her ' hands ' from the ground and attempt to grab rita. Rita jumps and avoids easily. When she's going to land, she cuts all the hands below her.

Yuki: I hate skillful people. Nee-chan!!!

Yuki taps her hand onto the ground and in a flash of alchemy makes kia dissapear and appear right in front of rita's blade. Rita slashes kia apart, cutting of kia's arm than stabbing into her stomach.

ed: kia !!! yuki!!! Are you crazy?!!

yuki: nee-chan, do something!!

"aho. It hurts you know. " kia grabs onto rita's blade before she could fully pluck it out of kia's body. Kia uses her own katana to strike rita, but rita retreats in time.

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