63: the Parliament

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Roy: and we're back...

Riza tugged onto his sleeve and he turned around wondering what's the matter to only be suprised with a kiss to the lips.

Roy: riza...

Riza: roy.... *blush*.... I'll follow you wherever you go.

He cups her cheek " could you... Have been liking me this whole time? "

Riza: maybe...

He hugged her cupping her head " arigato. "

Riza: don't die.

Roy: baka. I probably live longer than you.

Riza: but you'll still die if you get injured...

Roy: what's this sudden fear of me going to die?

Riza: I'm yours now!!! *blush * I care more than ever!!! So don't just die without thinking me in mind...

His eyes widened a little taken back by what she said. He than giggles " riza... Hahaha... "

Riza: what?!!!

Roy: I never thought you would have a side like that.

Riza: urusei.

He poke to her cheek " kawaii. Stay like that. "

Riza: roy... Just remember... Not only for your ambition... Remember me too.

He kissed her forehead " um... "


Oliver: you finally want to come back?!!!

Roy: ^_^lll she seems pretty pissed.

Xermes shifts his sunglasses up " moody is the word I believe. "

Roy: maa... I have things to attend to.

Oliver: I want back in Central.

Roy: hai hai. I heard you already. But you know I can't stop the war right?

Oliver: we can kill all the people who supports this motion.

Roy: if. That's possible.

Oliver: damn it...

roy: I can't stop the war, its above my authority and strings I can pull.

oliver: I know, that's why I want in , in Central.

roy: than how about your army? You're going to just let him takeover your army?

oliver: don't be an idiot. Haven't you seen my army? They listen to me.

roy: I wouldn't guarantee if they are going to be mixed into the main army. Its hard to say they won't be dyed into another colour. And what if they get a general they are willing to follow? The small roles matter.

oliver: what do you mean?

roy: the new general that will be assisting you , kemin.

Riza put a file on the table " his information. He is as amazing as you."

oliver open his file " as amazing as me? His rank is lower than me. Other than the fact he is a gangster head with 1000 men."

(kemin pic above)

riza: on the surface. He learns swordsmanship from his foster father. His foster father is the famous swordsman who wields the twin swords. The technique, dragon dance.

oliver: so? How is that amazing? I can fight too.

riza: with that skills, he claimed his opponents turfs and made their men obey him. They have the same loyalty your men have to you.

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