14: become major colonel

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Eliza: nii-san do you have interest in taking up the post of a major colonel?

She crossed her fingers together, arms leaning onto the table and looked to him with a smirk. " this is the perfect chance. "

Roy: when kia is in jail? What kind of an idea do you have?

Eliza : there was a reason nee-chan chose you at that time when you discovered the door by accident while chasing a fugitive. Colonel.

Roy: that is?

Eliza: kia will never get to become major colonel because she's a keeper. It's the greatest reason the others have been using to keep her from the seat. Plus she's a girl. You know how they look at gender.

Roy: she wanted my help if I became major colonel.

Eliza: she wanted it for one thing. One reason. Which is what we're are going to complete in this timing. That being said,your position of major colonel won't last long.

Roy: do I have no fate for powerful positions? Sigh...

Eliza: don't say that. You are a colonel. A respected one with many people following you at that. How much more powerful do you want?

Roy: my aim is furhrer eliza.

Eliza: sigh... Ambitious. Well?

Roy: well it wouldn't be bad to be a short term major colonel.

" major colonel fuuki. I am officer ales. I come from the internal investigations department. There are allegations that stand according to reliable sources. You betrayed our country. "

Fuuki : what??!!!! WHO SAID SUCH A THING?!!!

Ales: of course I can't say. I am from internal investigations. Your crime, creating your very own army without the acknowledgement of the council.

Fuuki bangs the table " I DID NO SUCH THING!!! "

Ales adjusts his hat " that's for me to judge and investigate. Hand over your house and get arrested. "

Fuuki: and what are you going to do?!! HUH!! I DIDN'T BECOME THE MAJOR COLONEL FOR NOTHING YOU KNOW!!!

Ales: duly noted. If major colonel does disobey arrest, kill him. No that's not possible. Or even better, crime; killing police. How does that sound to the great family name of kusho who many generations have served in military . Major colonel?

Fuuki: damn it.

He runs towards the window and breaks through the window jumping down. The police give chase to the window by shooting to the ground. But of course... Like that harms major colonel fuuki.

Ales: without a fight? Unexpected. Or... There's someone behind this?

Riza: officer alex *salutes*

Ales: I've heard you come from liasli's side.

Riza: and what of thats? Officer.

Ales: nothing. Just why are you here? Some motive?

Riza: I appreciate your kindness for letting me in but please do not accuse me. I am here to take home major colonel kusho's grandson.

Ales: kusho. Are you new? There are two major colonel in seat that is name of kusho. One being escaped fugitive fuuki. Do you mean escaped fugitive fuuki?

Riza: one day a soldier, always a soldier sir.

Ales: no no, don't play military on me. Plus, are you hiding fuuki by any chance?

Riza: I'm a guest at liasli sir. That's why I can come. To avoid even more suspicion. Major colonel kusho fuuki is gone. Left his grandson. Liasli doesn't have a heir sir.

Ales: oh? I never thought eliza to be such a mean person.

Riza: kia is in jail. No one to carry the household. Liasli is desperate sir.

Ales: he's only four. Far too desperate?

Riza: doesn't everyone plan far sir? Just like how nothing became a small personal army.

Ales stops what he is flipping and looks up to her " who told you that? "

Riza: you are late on news sir. The whole country knows.

Ales: what?!!!

Riza: please do allow me to take the grandson home. Don't say... But *smiles* fuuki won't be seeing that seat again.

Ales: I can catch you for what you just said.

Riza: I'm just a guest desperate for a toddler sir. Plus its an instruction from the family itself. Sshhh.

Ales: missy you are making everything I'm investigating coming to waste if I get to catch a corpse.

Riza: at least a corpse and not zero.

Ales: eliza liasli. Desperate. I understand.

Tomorrow morning...

" lieutenant frin. Lieutenant!!! "

Frin and roy opens the big door that leads to a big hall. There were three platforms. The platform surrounded half the hall. Each platform meant different sections. The council at the most top. The military second. And lastly... The representatives of important small groups.

" what do you think you are doing? Lieutenant. Do you want to be demoted and never to get promoted? "

Frin: I'm well aware of the risk. But that's why I barged in.

" what? "

Frin: the discussion of major colonel fuuki's seat.

" that's not your business. "

Frin: I recommend roy mustang instead of placing a branch of the kusho family. Kusho karin.

" because she's a girl? "

Frin: no. My leader used to be a girl. Disbalance of power council.

" true. But karin proved to be strong and does not have responsibilities like kia. She'll make a good image for the military. " the major colonel spoke. The other kusho. Kusho tershi.

Roy: I have the capabilities like karin has.

Tershi: and who to prove?

Roy snaps his fingers and fire burns a strong path towards karin who's now standing right in front of him.

Karin pov:

Of course my first reaction is to move. But somehow my legs wouldn't move. Like it was locked to the ground. Than I looked down to see black things tying my leg down. I couldn't move. The fire was coming. Tsk.

I was going to put up a barrier when something extinguished the fire entirely before it almost reached me.

Frin: you alright? Karin. Lieutenant.

Karin: tsk.

A cancelling alchemy transmutation circle. Its on his blade.

Frin: I may not be good at using it like kia. Able to use the effects when even in a distance but... Good enough I guess.

Roy: so? What do you think?

" a decision has been made. Roy mustang. You shall be major colonel. "

" sadly... For a short while. " I hear him say to himself. What did that mean?

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