Chapter 10

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After I sang the song she was pretty much speechless but I still knew that she was still awake. About 30 minutes into not speaking I thinking she finally fell asleep so I decided to get some sleep as well but I didn't know if I should hang up or keep her on since the line was still open. No matter what I did it didn't matter cause I fell asleep before making a decision.

"Kris wake you're ass up!" My brother said while kicking my bedside.

When I opened my eyes I notice that he was standing at edge of my bed and he was about to jump into my bed. Before I could yell at him he was already in the air and was about to land into me.

"Ryan what the hell?" I asked him.

"What! I just want to spend some time with my Monkey."

"Sure you do, I'm really loving this sibling moment here but what's up with the personal wake up call."

"Okay fine you got me, I been going out with this girl and I would like to make it official. And I kinda need your help, so will you help me?"

"First I need to know what I have to do before I could say yes but other thing is it's a real girl right."

"Shut up!"

"Okay okay what do I have to do." I tell him.

"Well all you need to do is serenade to her and write the song."

"The writing part is pretty easy but I don't know about the sing part."

"Why? I know you don't like singing in front of people but it's just going to be the four of us at the park."

"Wait, the four of us!" I asked him.

"Yeah, her cousin is helping us out as well, if you're in."

"I don't know can I think about it."

"Come on! Foreal Kris."

"No I'm just playing, I'll do it just for you bro."

"Aw, you're too kind Monkey." He said while he stood up.

I got up as well to get ready for school. I had to drop off Alex at school again so I decided to leave early so we can stop by at Jamba Juice.

"So munchkin what's going on with you lately?"

"Umm, like what Monkey."

"School, life and boys?"

"School is okay, life is awesome cause I'm a still a kid and to the last one I have no comment." She said with a smile.

I look at her while she said that and I could tell that she got all shy, wanting to change the subject as soon as possible.

"Okay fine you don't want to tell me but you know you can always talk to me about anything."

"Yeah I know and I will if I need to."

"Awesome! Now get your butt to class." I told her while I gave Alex a hug.

When I got to school I ran into Max in the hallway. I told him that I needed to stop by my locker to get my history book for class. While we're walking to my locker, I spotted Kyliee talking to her friends. I looked at her, when she saw me she didn't make any kinda of eye contact she just took a glance at me. Max and I just pass by them without saying hi to her.

"Dude, What was that all about?" He asked me.

"I don't have a clue."

"I thought you guys were friends and shit."

"Same here."

"So what the hell was that?"

"I don't know!"

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