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My hands wandered on their own mission. One threaded through the dense texture of her hair, where my fingers depressed into her scalp. I threaded the other palm under her arm and cupped the smooth skin on her shoulder.

It wasn't enough. My body needed her closer; I needed her closer. Reduced to a moaning, and squirming mess under her, my resolve broke. I wouldn't have known my own name if anyone asked. Electricity hummed through me as I wrapped my legs around her waist and tethered her to me.

"Lisa..." I moaned.

Her tip prodded my slicked entrance with a prick of arousal. She rolled her hips and rubbed from my entrance up my seam. The swollen nerves at the top ignited at the contact. Sparks erupted beneath my skin as she grinded over them. I curled my toes and released moan after moan of one word.


My hips bucked up for more bare contact. Not enough. She wasn't close enough. I needed more. The way she rubbed the head up between my seam, up and down to where the tip caught my inner folds, edged me closer. Need throbbed between my legs. If my brain operated normally, I would have been embarrassed by how I was so wet and loud. My moans and cries were a foreign language torn from my lips, but I didn't care. Primal greed swept over me. Tipped to the point of being overwhelmed, I was too far gone that more was my only option.

I begged, "Please. I need you."

She pushed inside me with a groan. No, she slipped in. If I wasn't inflamed with fever, then I would've second-guessed myself into further embarrassment over her easy entrance.

The first time was painful. Years passing since this part of me wasn't exit-only offered a glimpse of the past. A renewed sense of newness circulated in me, which was weird as fuck and made zero sense, but my brain abandoned common sense the moment I kissed Lisa.

I had forgotten how good it felt, not only a physical connection firing off hormones but the want - no, the need - that coursed through our contact. Her heartbeat and the slick of her skin intertwined with mine. The parts of Lisa that touched my outer body, her chest laid over mine and hips to thighs slotted together, were as significant as the part buried inside me. I flicked my tongue over the numbness tingling my lips and tasted her perspiration in the air.

Her intrusion was a mind wipe. It overwhelmed me and sent trembles down my spine. Surges of familiarity rendered me inoperable. Heat. Ache. Pinches of strain and stretch. Heated, sweaty skin. How empty I was before she filled me brought tears to my eyes and tore my brain between too much stimulation and my body craving more.

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