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My usual collection of conversations, thank-yous, and check-ins continued. Once the last pair of feet exited the studio, I slipped on my Crocs and joined Simi at the front desk.

"Why do they make us jump through these hoops?" I signed my twentieth Fort Simmons attendance voucher.

"Practice for your John Hancock." One of her dark brown eyes winked. She paused and opened it, dark lashes fluttering with her parted open lips. "Did I say that right?"

"You did." I placed mine in an envelope and shoved it into the outgoing mail pile. She peered over my shoulder at the log I scribbled over. Simi couldn't balance a check book if her life depended on it, but her infinite heart took a chance on me. With the GI bill, I obtained my two-hundred-hour certification under Simi's instruction. I didn't express enough appreciation, but she had my loyalty.

"Here." I handed her the completed log.

"Thank you. I haven't seen Ms. Manoban in a week." she said without hiding her amusement.

A weight sank in my stomach. Lisa was the last person I wanted to think about or any other person. Crawling into a box of wine was the only viable alternative to a hot shower. "She's back tomorrow." I assured her with a shoulder pat. "Good night, Simi."

As much as yoga therapy offered me, it took more out. The space between my eyes pounded by the time my damp head hit my pillow. Irene was right. I was tired.

The admission sank my shoulders. I was tired of debating which aspect of my life was worse: waking up to the same sobering realisation that Taehyung left or I was an untrained therapist and hand-holder trying to convince a room full of people that they were worthy of fighting against life-crippling demons. My heavy eyes closed, but my mind juggled thoughts with the coordination of a circus reject. Slowing my breath, I calmed my racing heart.

"Wake up, Ladybug."

"Mmm..." I groaned, pulling my blanket over my head. "Too early."

"You're beautiful when you're grumpy." A hand tugged back the covers, blinding my half-closed eyes with sunlight. Too early. I released a troll groan. In front of a backlit spotlight, his short blonde hair and broad shoulders leaned over. Rough fingers cupped my cheek, the ring one newly minted like mine. "I could stare at you naked and in bed all day, Ladybug, but I want to show you something."

I shifted my legs, the soreness between them prompting another groan. "You already did last night, Tae."

"Not that." His warm, rich laugh filled my ears. "Come on."

Taehyung bounced with so much childlike excitement. His old Ford rumbled along the road. Threading my fingers between his, I kissed the back of his hand. "I'm going to miss you."

"None of that yet." he whispered. "Almost there."

He pulled off the dusty road to a run-down wood fence. Overgrown grass poked through it. Endless untouched acres passed behind it, as far as my eyes saw. A 'For Sale' sign hung on the gate.

Taehyung flung one leg over the rickety fence, then held out his hand. "What do you think?"

"I think we're trespassing." I climbed up, while clutching the wobbling gate.

His hands gripped my hips, his blue eyes shining brighter than the sky. "Take a look."

The unruly, untamed grasses were endless. Birds chirped from a smattering of green trees. A breeze tugged my hair, tickling the side of my neck. The sky was open and unobstructed. Not a soul passed on the single-lane dirt road.

"It's perfect." I admitted.

"Good, because I want to buy it as soon as I'm back." He lifted me, ripping a squeal from my lips. My vision blurred as he spun me around, dizzying my head. "I have enough."

Sliding down his hard body, the tips of my toes landed on top of his. Unfiltered excitement radiated in his eyes.

"We're going to grow old here someday, Ladybug."

"Jennie?" a soft voice accompanied by warmth rubbing my shoulder. "Wake up."

"Oh!" I flipped open my eyes to concern filling brown eyes, not crystal blue ones. A pounding beat throbbed in my ears.

Irene offered a sad smile. "You were dreaming."

"It was a good one." Reaching up, I wiped my damp cheeks. Remnant pain clutched my heart as my pulse slowed. Sunlight streamed in, warming my skin. The hairs on my forearms pricked with goosebumps. "Fuck, it feels so real every time."

"Good." She booped my nose. "We'll talk during breakfast before your class."

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