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Jennie was wild in the bedroom - fuck, any room in our house. If I delved too much into detail, I wouldn't have made it out of the entrance tunnel on two legs.

I was also crazy in love with her. The moment she let me into her headspace, talking in the back of my truck until softened twilight colours dotted the midnight blue horizon, my heart was hers. Jennie's strength - her quiet, true, inner strength - was as endless as the wide-open skies that she cherished.

As one of NFL's most domesticated couples, our quiet nights offered the peaceful decompression moments we both needed. Even though my girl's contract was to teach yoga to the team, she extended that definition past the players and offered other classes to the staff. It also secured her a seat on the team plane for away games.

Not quite boarding a plane to Vegas for a weekend wedding, but if she tempted me enough...

I'd do it.

Jennie's outward confidence, smart sassy mouth, and fiery personality pumped heat through me, but I fell in love with the fierce and unbridled loyalty running through her veins. If I wanted anyone in my corner to have my back, it was Jennie Ruby Jane Kim. Her resistance came from how hard she loved. It was a scary cliff to dangle over, knowing that once you took the plunge, you weren't coming back up.

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