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"Fuck!" I screamed at my front door slammed in my face. The bursts of joy coursing through me popped and Jennie's rejection doused me with an ice-cold shower.

After she sprinted out, barefoot and hugging her crocs, I leaned my shoulder against the wall near the window. The surface was ice compared to the heat surging beneath my skin. I dragged both palms down my heated forehead. After sagging my weight into the wall, my brain was still dizzied from losing control of what I never imagined would happen but held zero regret over.

Or, zero regret until she crumpled into despair.

All I wanted was a simple kiss, a taste. I thought it would scratch away the heated pull that attracted me to a girl who held no interest in me. The selfish part of me hoped it sparked a reaction in her.

But fuck, not that one.

One small reciprocation left me wild and unhinged. I needed her closer. Being in my lap wasn't close enough. Only when I moaned her name and buried myself in her wet heat was I satisfied. Her tight pressure choking me was wildly addictive and I was desperate, craving more and more until I took more than she was ready for. Her body was all in, trembling with arousal dripping down to my balls, but her mind wasn't.

My brain couldn't form words to describe what had happened. She'd infiltrated every cell in it. I was haunted by the feeling of her hot, soaked walls choking the relief out of my dick and each thrust pumping me with unbridled pleasure. The greedy prick swelled at each recall. Another taste, another feel, and another kiss were all I thought about.

Once wasn't enough.

Jennie was stubborn but she unlocked the most stubborn organ inside me – my heart. It tethered itself to her soft, and vulnerable side. She tossed aside her own restrictions and opened up, crying my name in a mess of sweat, tears, and flyaway black strands stuck to her flushed forehead. Jennie without abandon, her mouth arching and rounding in ecstasy, was the most beautiful version of her.

She probably hadn't realised what she had unlocked. I wasn't a Super Bowl MVP quarterback because I sat back on my ass during games. My shoulder wasn't close to full recovery - okay, that was also because of Jennie, but I put in the effort. I pushed my body past its limits, well beyond the limits of average people, in search of being extraordinary.

And I sure as fuck didn't quit when my adversities upped their ante. I trained, sweated, and sacrificed for what I wanted. I didn't take what I wanted, I earned it.

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