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A second knock at the door preceded Jackson's impatient voice. "Lisa? Sorry, but the caterer needs you."

"Take as long as you need." she whispered and pressed her lips into mine in a slow, and languid kiss. "We'll talk tonight. I'm all yours."

All mine. Warmth spread into my chest. One freshly fucked reflection glance and I locked the door. My previously curled hair looked like I'd been electrocuted. After using the toilet and washing my face, I opened a few drawers to find another towel. My first attempt revealed Lisa's condom stash, which I closed with a snap.

My fingers clenched around the handle of the second drawer down. A note nestled inside peered up at me. My cheeks chilled under the traces of water.


I'd say that I hate leaving this note but I don't. I should've written it sooner or, even better, had the guts to tell you myself. I'm leaving for good this time and I don't want you to contact me. I thought I could believe you. I love you, Lisa. I trusted you with my love, my future, and you shattered it. Even worse, I can't stomach seeing you with them anymore. It makes me sick to my stomach. Mina and Nancy were our friends! You've all betrayed me. I love you, but I'm not strong enough to forgive you. Even if I can't prove that you cheated, I'm done playing the fool.


This wasn't my business. An acidic taste coated my taste buds. The drawer handle trembled in my grip. Why had she kept this note? And Mina and Nancy? Lisa was... with them!?

With a sway in my stance, I curled my hands into fists around the counter edge. The room blurred and spun around me. Constriction squeezed my throat, and a sickening sensation filled my stomach. Kendall's words ran together. A tremble vibrated my lower lip. My heart tumbled inside my chest. I heaved a raspy breath. Then another. And another, but I couldn't breathe.

Don't jump to conclusions, Jennie. Get the truth from Lisa.

My entire forehead throbbed, but I pushed the drawer closed. It bumped against an obstruction, so I pulled it back open. An orange pill bottle with a white cap rolled forward. A chill trickled down my spine at the label. My heart dropped in a rushed plummet, stopping only when it bottomed out in my nightmares.


A heavy sensation filled me, and my mind went blank. My body became pumped full of lead. I sank my teeth into my lower lip and burst the flesh with pain. Strain swelled behind my eyes, but I couldn't blink. I curled my fingers around the bottle. It rattled with trembles I couldn't control. I threaded the pad of my thumb around the cap and depressed the familiar bottle into the flesh of my palm. A chill surged deep into my bones. Dryness coated my tongue and choked my throat to strangulation.


It was the same. I dumped my purse's contents onto the counter, then dug through them to retrieve my phone. It shook in my hand, so I set it on the counter and peered at the screen. A quick search pulled up article after article about Lisa's accident.

Lisa Manoban suffered a horrific car accident. Last night, Manoban, 26, was found with two unidentified women. Manoban's car ran off I-45 near Ennis and a tree collision left her in critical condition. Sources have confirmed that her long-time girlfriend, Kendall Jenner, wasn't present at the Dallas-based party Manoban left with the two unidentified women. Toxicology reports revealed a mix of alcohol and...

It's... it's... no.

The identities of the girls in Lisa's car accident hadn't ever been identified. I assumed Mina had gotten to them with her NDA cuffs, not that she and Nancy were them.

Lisa's publicist and her lawyer?

Lisa slept with her staff.

And I was no better.

Disgust coated my skin and seeped into my pores. I retrieved Kendall's note, whose words focused the more I blinked. With hasty hands, I scooped my purse items back and picked up my lipstick. The berry red colour looked better in the message I scribbled on Lisa's mirror than on my lips. I slammed the bottle of pills on top of Kendall's note and got the fuck out of there.

A soft hand caught my elbow as I stomped down the hallway. "Jennie?"

I blinked Irene's face into focus, concern filling her eyes. "No." I whispered, her face blurring under the tears that coated my eyes. With trembling fingers, I grasped her hand and dragged her down the steps.

"Did you see Lisa? She sent me to check on you."

Lisa's false concern crushed my heart, as did my eyes lifting in the direction of Lisa's laugh. "Yes."

In a semicircle of acquaintances, Nancy stood next to Lisa. Her head tipped back, and a bright smile spread across her lips. She leaned over, whispered in Lisa's ear, and squeezed her arm. "I'm so glad she's recovered!" Nancy exclaimed, hugging one arm around Lisa. "Not just because I'd be out of a job!"

Out of a job.

My stomach twisted as the group laughed at her words. I hadn't eaten but nausea threatened to make me dry heave. Two single tears spilled over my cheeks and congestion flooded my nose.


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