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Sweat-soaked and dotted with grass, Jennie wore the most unflattering clothes. The sun highlighted her cheeks and long, toned limbs, but it was her black hair threaded through the back of a white baseball hat that did it for me. My dick ached to fill the gap in her thighs with those long legs wrapped around my hips.

The V-neck dip of her shirt teased a flash of skin all day. My mouth dried at the crease line between her breasts before she crushed shot after shot. The twist in her waist, tightening her curves and flexing her arm muscles, made more than her golf skills painfully obvious.

And that confident smirk. Damn, where had that been?

She deserved to smirk, since she kicked my ass on the scoresheet. What other skills was she hiding?

Pursuing Jennie felt like I was walking a tightrope. Not two feet off the ground with a safety net but suspended between two skyscrapers. The question of whether those who attempted the walk had questionable sanity wasn't lost on me. The heights, the risk, the danger, or the thrill of conquering the impossible weren't for everyone.

I could've walked on the ground, many, many grounds, and yet, I was the fool gripping a giant pole and teetering one step at a time, toward life-defining, eternal glory on the other side. Some days were too windy to attempt the walk. Fixing Jennie's truck was a bird smacked in my face. Other days, I pushed a few cautious steps that wobbled the wire too much.

Today offered the most favourable conditions since I've met Jennie. She laughed, spoke with ease, and her smile was brighter than the mid-day sun hot enough to fry sidewalk eggs. Her soft, smooth skin was addictive to me, and I pushed my contact.

All her openness receded to wherever Jennie went inside her head. Silence hung between us, as if I drove home alone. I waited on the side of the building until I knew if the weather conditions were right for another walk attempt.

Did something happen? Maybe she's tired.

I wanted to ask if she had dinner plans, but she slumped in her seat and hid her eyes under the brim of her hat.

Pursuit of a girl was a foreign concept, especially this snail's pace. Kendall plopped on my lap and decided I was it. She was a quick fuck that never ended, but I still fell for her. Until I gave her reason to doubt our relationship, she was loyal to a fault.

Another man's hands on my ex, making her smile, and coming at me with some 'No hard feelings' bullshit, didn't bother me. Even when Devin Booker cupped her ass in the parking lot, I was just irritated at a lack of general respect.

And I didn't need a knee in my nuts to drive home the realisation of why I didn't care. I literally drove her home. One glance at the pensive scribbler in my passenger's seat verified why I didn't give a fuck what, or who, Kendall did.

The star of my wet dreams shifted and picked up her water bottle. Jennie's lips pursed and throat bobbing as she drank had me both parched and mesmerised. My cock twitched at a droplet in the corner of her smile before the pad of her finger swiped it away.

I wasn't the kind of person who slept with my staff, but... this was more. I was falling for Jennie. Falling for a girl I barely know. Fuck, what's running through her head? Jennie was easier to talk to, but still not the easiest to open up. Her ex did a number on her. Beneath layers of sass, and more layers of pain, lived a bleeding heart.

"There's something you have to see."

Nervousness in her voice made me blink at the book. Was it her personal thoughts? For the brief moment she passed it into my hands, my breathing turned shallow, and my steady pulse increased.

Her frown dissolved those hopes and apprehension rolled her lip under her teeth. She dropped her hand to her side.

My eyes dropped with the movement. I mapped the bow shape of her upper lip and teeth denting the lower one. As if braced for a punch, I clenched my stomach. My fingers twitched to pull that pink flesh out, or better taste it. Any response my brain cooked up evaporated the longer I studied the warm tones in her eyes fighting whatever awareness weighed them down.

C'mon, Jennie. Give me a sign.

One sign was all I needed. I begged her with my eyes as the words knocked on my heart.

Let me in.

Get me to the other side.

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