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Lisa's warm, soft kisses melted my brain. Gone was the arrogant person who took whatever the fuck she wanted. She wasn't patient or soft. Slow, gentle, and patient weren't in her vocabulary. Right?

I didn't know this version of Lisa. The determined, arrogant oaf who crashed into my class and called me impossible more than my name was fun to insult, and easy to distance. Soft, warm lips were the sharpest contrast to the rest of her hard, lumpy body and forward personality. Feathered touch wasn't a description I ever associated with her, and yet...

I like it.

The realisation blurred my mind with the same confusion fed by how I... missed her during the past three weeks. She was splashed all over the news, but grainy and distant. Another body in her studio space was invasive. Inches from me, the warmth of her breath fanned over my lips. The need for her that I've denied for weeks surged through me in a rush of heat and ache, sparked by a tease from those same lips, and swayed me forward. One inch between us was a mile in the thick air.

Too many thoughts overloaded my senses. I couldn't process them, but fuck, I felt so much. Her lips were too tender, too warm. She stole all movement from my limbs. Awareness rippled across my skin, and my lips parted, inviting dryness to coat my tongue.

Strong, and warm hands on my hips drew my eyes up. Warmth tingled under my shirt where her fingers stroked my back. I shivered under the gentle strokes, which lifted her hand to my cheek. Rounded with patience, Lisa's eyes pooled with heat as her head lowered again. This time, her thumb and index finger guided my chin up and angled my lips as I leaned in and kissed her.

My lips quivered more than they nibbled the edges of her upper lip. Their trail over the sliver of skin where her jaw ended released a shudder in her shoulders. I closed my eyes from the crushing beats of my heart. Her soft face nuzzled my upper lip and chin.

The flick of her tongue past my parted lips set off a rash of tingles through me. Heat pooled in my belly. My back arched with my lifted hand, and I threaded my fingers through the hair behind her ears. Her roots held a hint of dampness, a subtle hint that she had done some work today.

Don't know why that's hot, but it works for me.

Her natural taste coated my tongue, shifting my insides from simmering heat to exploding with manic ache. One of her hands cupped the back of my head and eased the tension in my neck. She swallowed my hums of resistance as her tongue moved with infinite patience. Savouring each caress, my toes curled, and I sagged into her hold. An airy lightness wiped out whatever little thoughts remained. A low moan from her lips vibrated mine with warmth.

With a tug, I sat on her lap. I hooked my ankles around her waist and drew my hips flush with hers. I sucked in a sharp breath from my seam slotted around her hardness. Warm friction from our contact point parted my lips as they sought hers for a deeper kiss. Arousal flooded heat between my thighs and a low pulse thrummed beneath my skin.

By the time her lips met my neck, I was gone. My knees were jelly, and her touch burned my skin, so I locked my elbows around her neck. Hyper awareness magnified my body's reactions. Goosebumps pricked where her lips moved, rapid beats thrummed in my veins, and heat rose in my face. Dormant parts of me, physical sensations I long forgot, erupted in waves of ache and need deep in my pelvis.

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