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All three burst into loud, ear-splitting laughs. Bambam palmed Hoony's shaking shoulder. Sighing, I waited for the cackling hyenas to gasp. "I mean it. I've had enough PR shit to last through my career."

"Not me. Too many ladies, too little time." Austin smirked. "Kendall up and left your ass but it's all clean fun."

"Unless..." the direction Hoony's chin tipped was not in my favour. Neither was the flash in his devil-dark eyes. "You and that peach of a golf partner got a little..."

My hand slammed into his chest before my warning, "Don't!" passed through my mouth. His shiny white shoes stumbled back. Rock hard muscles clenched into my palm and his neck tightened.

"Fess up on this yoga shit, captain." Austin's hands knocked mine down. "Is it for show?"

"No." My admission drew Bambam's eyes. "It made the difference in loosening up my shoulder so I can throw to your stupid ass."

"Seattle's got a team instructor for a reason, not that your man-child ass could handle it. And you should care about Lisa's shoulder." Bambam's smirk reflected the same smugness puffing up my chest. "It's your contract year too, Austin."

The words 'team instructor' put a smile on my face, cooling off my stake in this pissing contest. I would've paid a month's salary to see Jennie handle these cocky clowns. She would have crushed their egos in five minutes.

By the time I showered, the message I hoped for waited in my inbox.

Jackson: Option C no-brainer. Paperwork to sign in your email. Keep quiet until team announcement.

Jackson: Congratulations.

"Yes! Fuck yes!" I squeezed my right fist under the relief that surged through me. I released a shuddered breath and bumped my fist on the searing hot roof of my car. A permanent grin made its home on my face. Four years, beyond well-compensated, right here in Houston was my dream. My roots remained intact, Houston was my fucking team and my home. All those weeks, all that work, all that bullshit washed away.

I wasn't going anywhere. The rush of relief slacked my muscles, sagging me against the nearest wall. A frantic buzz of my phone indicated my still-employed team shared my excitement and relief.

Nancy: Yesss!! Right in time for my Christmas list. Gonna cost you this year, Lalisa.

Mina: Sending over my revised services bill right now.

Bambam: Celebration time!

While the team planned at my expense, my thoughts shifted back to Jennie. My success belonged to her as much as the rest of my team and I wanted her acknowledged for how much she helped me. So, if anyone deserved to celebrate, then it was her.

Every attempt I made to impress Jennie had backfired in my face but a gut instinct pushed me that this was the right move. It just needed a little Jackson favour.

Me: One more contract I need you to negotiate.

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