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Soft porn? How the fuck does he... never mind. That was not a dream scenario I needed. "Doesn't matter." Hunching over, I grounded my elbows on my knees and forced that image out of my brain. It popped back in, her body slotted under mine and radiating 'fuck-it-out-of-me' defiance. Interest tightened my groin, making me clench my stomach. "It's unprofessional. Focus on how she's unproven, a newbie in yoga."

"Right." Bambam shot me a look that read he knew my words were for me, not him. "How's your shoulder?"

"It's..." I reached under my armpit and clutched the swollen muscle in my palm. Rubbing the tensed spot showed fatigue, not tightness or pain. Bambam's throwing arm drills were brutal, but the muscle stayed loose. Jennie's yoga helped. The shortened muscle sensations, pulling or pushing back resistance, went from holding me back to almost unnoticeable. Certain rotations remained uncomfortable, but the first day's pain never resurfaced once I used her options. I still iced after Bambam's workout, but it was a precaution instead of a necessity.

"... better."

"Good." he replied when his phone rang. "Jackson."

"Hey Bam and Lisa." Jackson's voice crackled. "Good news, Lisa. Houston's medical staff reviewed and signed off on your MRI scans. No signs of scar tissue, not as good as brand-new, but they cleared it."

Relief surged through me, sagging my chest and shoulders. I wasn't surprised, given how I physically felt, but the verification wiped out the seeds of doubt scattered in my mind. "Great." I exhaled and puffed my cheeks. "Get my new contract, Jackson."

"Two weeks." he warned. "Take it easy on the golf swings and repeat Bambam's mobility tests so I can present your case with zero doubts in their mind."

After I agreed, Bambam hung up and dropped a bomb on me. "I think you'd have Jackson's blessing with Jennie."

"Fuck no!" While I choked on dry air, his eyebrows lifted in an obvious, 'So?' response, prompting me further, "There's a code."

"As much code as the fact that she works for you." he dug back.

"Yeah." I rubbed at my jaw, the soft hairs rising. "Strike two. You know I wouldn't..."

"I know." was his smartass response. "Does Jennie? What's your bullshit third response?"

"She's made herself clear how she feels about me." Bitterness crept into my mouth, coating my tongue. "Not interested."

With a loud exhale, he wet his lips. "Closed-off means one of two things. Either a girl like that has been through some tough shit, or..."

"Or what?"

"Or your game is weak as shit." His head tipped, catching highlights on his blonde hair as he laughed. Unamused, I waited for them to subside. "Why wouldn't she want to get to know you? You're likeable once you drop the ego."

"Thanks." I gave his non-compliment a dead look. "I'll put in equally good props to Mina."

"Phew, Mina." He clutched his stabbed heart. "That woman could ruin me with a prenup any day. Unlike you, I am not mixing business and pleasure. Good for pleasure, bad for business."

I fully agreed. "Which is exactly why..."

"You say that like Jennie's sticking around." His casual tone contrasted with the interest flickering in his eyes.

"Her contract says she's got an expiration date once the shoulder is cleared."

"Expiration date?" A frown squeezed my eyebrows together. I hadn't thought that far ahead. Jennie's classes brought unexpected consistency to my schedule. Her company in my house filled me with a sense of... I wasn't sure. Her vanishing from my life didn't sit well. Past being on my team, she was my regular fix for companionship.

I needed to talk to her. Of course, Jennie continued her avoidance tactics. By her reproach on Monday, nothing had happened. Her entire projection was false, from her fake smile to her hollow tone. Her class moves were basic, and she sat during meditation, silent and with her head bent over her blue journal.

She rushed out before I curled up my mat. I left it behind. "Jennie?" My hand found her elbow as soon as I stepped out the door. The hallway floors chilled the soles of my feet. "Are you..."

"Fine." she rushed out, eyes on the bathroom door. "I'm sorry, I have a..."

"Jennie?" Both our heads swivelled at a male voice calling out to her. Another buzz-cut dude. Muscles and a barrel chest. Shit-eating grin. Great.

"Yes?" The wrinkle between her eyes offered me more relief than it should have. It was short-lived when she extended one hand. "You must be Lucas. Simi said you might stop by today."

"Yep." Hesitancy filled his voice and eyes, which flickered over to me. "Do you have a few minutes to talk about your... special class?"

'No' bit my tongue when Jennie offered a smile. At him, not me. "Of course."

I was bigger than new guy... wait a minute. They didn't know each other. So why was he going to her special class and not me? I've noticed that her special class consisted only of dudes. The suggestion to drop my pants and show Jennie my enchilada as proof that I can join her special class, lasted as long as the subsequent image that she kicked me in it.

"Can you give me a moment? I can meet you in the lobby." Her sweet smile turned the moron into a pool of goo, relaxing his meaty shoulders. Jennie shifted, shooting me a glare that burned a hole between my eyes. "Lisa, you have..."

"I want to take your special class too." I blurted out. "Starting this week."

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