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Jennie - Flashback

Being out of milk prompted a stupid argument.

"Ladybug..." His hand rubbed his forehead. "Let's go to the store tomorrow. I don't want you to get in an accident."

"Huh?" My head tipped to the side. "I'll be fine."

"I can't explain it." He rubbed harder. "I have a bad feeling."

"It's fine. Come with me." I slipped my purse up my shoulder when his hands slammed the wall around me.


"You're not listening!!" His voice vibrated off the walls and ceiling, rattling into my bones. The veins in his biceps and forearms raised with his fisted hands. White tips defined his knuckles, and red painted his cheeks.

I rolled my lips in and clutched my purse straps in both hands. With his face and neck flushed with red blotches, he kissed me goodbye with a muttered apology and excuse that he was tired.

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