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With football, the more eyes on me, the better. Seventy-seven thousand in an explosive stadium fed my game and rushed adrenalin. Six weeks into yoga, I wasn't self-conscious, but the proximity, closed-in walls, and newness factor heightened my self-awareness. I didn't need Jennie lecturing me to realise that was intentional. More comfortable on the field than on a yoga mat, I now appreciated the cerebral focus on my body. From my limbs' positioning, Jennie isolated and strengthened my smaller stabilisers to the quiet burn of fatigue. I would never be confused with a yogi, but I bought into the physical benefits. It helped. I was proof of that.

Acceptance and comfort aside, if Jennie taught a class that was more specific and focused, I wanted in. And it had nothing to do with her surrounded by twenty versions of Mister Charming Smile. Maybe a little.

As expected, her face tightened. "No."

"Without all the eye-fucking at me, maybe I could meditate better."

Her chin tipped up, eyes serious as she considered my weak argument. What she didn't know, despite Kendall and Devin being photographed in a disgusting round of PDA, was how Nancy held off announcing my single status. If Jennie thought the attention was bad now... it would get a hundred times worse. A million if the press found out I worked out here.

"I'm not going to deny the distractions." she admitted in a low voice, crossing her arms. "If you're uncomfortable drawing so much attention to yourself in class, then we should switch to one-on-one sessions."

Oh. Yes. I hadn't considered that, but yes. Fuck yes. My stubborn curiosity prodded, "Let me try the other class first."

Her hand met her forehead, slender fingers sliding over her eyes. "It's not... no."

My teeth clenched to a molar-grinding level. "Do you want me to say please?"

"No." Her hand lowered, revealing irritation in her eyes. "It's not a regular class. It's serious, Lisa."

I wanted to scream if she was serious. I'm a professional athlete with a multi-billion-dollar franchise resting on my rehabbing shoulder and a personal net worth higher than the studio should have been enough of an invitation. None of that fazed this stubborn girl, so I took a slow breath and met her challenge. "I can be serious. And if it's serious, I want in."

Nostrils flaring, she snorted. Squeezing her crossed arms pushed up those perfect breasts, creasing a central line that pooled saliva under my tongue. The fire in her eyes ignited a spark of challenge in me. "You're never serious."

Challenge accepted. I stepped closer until I pressed into her. Chest to chest, hers a million times nicer than mine, my stubbornness met hers. My heart pumped waves of blood through my veins, tingling my skin. Tightness pulled in my groin from her flush against my pelvis. Leaning closer to whisper in her ear, I got an even better view of the swells of her breasts.

My breath in her ear hitched her chest, bumping her breasts. Movement swelled in my legs, shooting tingles down my spine. She had to feel me slotting myself home between her warm thighs. Thank fuck she stood her ground. I almost nutted from the friction alone. The flushed skin on her neck begged for a taste. A low groan rumbled in my chest, vibrating my lips into that warm, perfect patch of pink skin. I was fucking parched. "I'll prove it to you."

"I..." Her breathy response and pink flush creeping up behind her ear were the perfect reactions. "I doubt that."

Light-headedness filled me from all the blood pumping into my dick. I skimmed my lips over the shell of her ear, brushing the cool metal piercings. Five were in her left ear. "Game on, Jennie."

"Lisa." Fuck, my name surrounded by her elevated breath affected me way too much. The strong beats bursting out my chest walls agreed. My stomach folded itself in half-agreement. The rod between my legs agreed. "I need to go."

My protesting cock ached as I stepped back into a chilled loss of contact. Turning on her heels, she walked away. The way she shook her head brought a grin to my face.

A soft, and unfamiliar touch on my forearm made my skin crawl under it. A girl I'd never spoken to before beamed up at me from under thick lashes. She was from the front row in class, one of Diana's friends. "Lisa? You left this behind in class."

"Thanks." I took my rolled-up map from her, flashing a smile that released her giggles. Taking in her brown eyes, freckles, round cheeks, and slightly upturned nose, she was pretty, but my dick deflated like an air leak.

"Sama... n... tha." Her lower lip trembled before she bit it. "I mean, umm, Samantha."

"Thanks, Samantha. Appreciate it."

"Gosh, you're doing so great in class. And every one of Jennie's is tough." She rushed out a lunch invitation, fumbling over her words and steps. I hesitated. While I wouldn't remember Samantha on my first step out of the studio, her words were all I needed to dig under Jennie's skin. No one told me what I could or couldn't do. And, I knew exactly how to prove that to Jennie.

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