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I returned Diana's prompt with a blank look. "Huh?"

Duckface's lips pursed, and irritation clipped her voice, "I asked how you know her."

"Wish I didn't."

"Right..." she drawled. Shifting movements drew my eyes to her adjusting her sports bra. I rolled my lips inward as she hitched her breasts up like bootstraps. "I hope we see more of her."

Not if I had anything to say about it. Lisa's lanky, and stacked muscular form reminded me of a giant. Even with light corrections, strength surged behind her large, and tensed muscles. Power combined with irresponsible recklessness had no place in my class. Neither did shiny, loose shorts that spotlight her... assets. Why had I picked warrior two tonight?

A look back at Lisa dropped my stomach. Her tall frame stood next to the short, thin woman who held my job in her delicate hands. Beyond being the owner, Simi was a visionary instructor. She studied Ashtanga twice per year in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand in Northern India. In addition to running Houston's most successful yoga wellness centre with her husband Abel, a retired Army dietician, she worked the appropriate grant angles to keep my niche class open.

She was also the most striking woman. High cheekbones showcased her blemish-free brown skin. Even under dim lighting, her skin cast a warm glow. Thick, black lashes framed her large, dark brown eyes. Two full, heart-shaped lips captured her husband's heart with one smile. My heart pounded as I approached, pressing the tip of my index finger into my thumb's cuticle.

"Why do you wear those ridiculous rubber shoes?" A sparkle dotted her eyes.

"Comfort over style." I shot back with a shaky smile, with uneasiness tugging at my stomach. "Don't insult the Crocs."

"I stopped by to see if you could cover Margie's meditation tomorrow, but the mass exodus drew my curiosity." Her eyes lifted to Lisa. "Ms. Manoban was telling me about your class."

I was so fired. Again. The thought crushed my chest. Yoga was all I had left. A thickness choked my throat. I swallowed it, which offered no cotton-mouth relief, and forced a smile. "She was?"

Lisa's eyebrows raised, which rocketed my defences. They pricked up with the hairs on the nape of my neck. My hands coiled at my sides. "Listen..."

"Yes." Simi's toothy smile did nothing to appease my elevated pulse. "She was telling me that she's never had a workout like this before."

I rolled my lips in to contain the snort that threatened to make its presence known. Maybe I should have appreciated Lisa's version of an endorsement, but rising anger took over. If I was a cartoon, then my head would have mushroomed and exploded. Her opinion weighing any ounce into Simi's opinion burned through me. I clenched my teeth so hard, my molars ground. "I'm glad she felt it." Curling my lips up, I offered my fakest, full-teeth smile. Lisa's eyes narrowed as they did when I flashed her that smile in class.

Before she responded, Diana slithered herself right into the conversation. "I think you were very impressive, Lisa." Her lashes batted so much, I was surprised I didn't feel a bullshit-scented breeze. "And I'd be open to helping you improve your balance and flexibility."

I threw up in my mouth at the part of her that I assumed was open. Three sets of eyes shifted to my gagging, so I replaced it with coughs. Lisa didn't need balance and flexibility. She needed a shovel to the face.

Lisa's chin tipped, and while she spoke to Diana, her words seemed directed at me, "Thank you. It's so nice to be appreciated for your efforts."

If she wanted appreciation, my foot would appreciate kicking her...

"Wonderful." Simi's eyes volleyed between us and settled on me. "So, tomorrow, Jennie? I know you don't work weekends, but..."

"Of course." Not wanting to indulge the curiosity in Lisa's eyes, my fake smile reappeared. Thanks to her shit charity, I could use as many extra hours as possible.

"Thank you. I'll let you close." Her eyes flicked up to Lisa. "Pleasure to have you tonight, Ms. Manoban. I'll turn you over to Jennie for any questions on which one of our programs is a good fit. Diana, good to see you."

The only 'program option' I could offer Lisa was one where I opened the exit door and kicked her ass out of it.

"It was... eye-opening, Ma'am." Lisa cleared her throat, while shaking Simi's extended hand. "Thanks."

As soon as Simi's feet carried her out of the room, Lisa's smile turned sinister. "You're welcome, Jennie."

I rolled my eyes. Diana could deal with her, but I grunted at her giving Lisa her number and squeezing her bicep. Busying myself, I grabbed the pile of used face cloths with my phone and notebook. Thankfully, Diana was also a member of the bladder brigade and excused herself with one more flirty smile at Lisa.

One of many in the class. "You should go too." I grumbled as she approached. "Wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable."

My obvious insinuation hung between us and thickened the air. Or maybe that was her stale breath.

"I'm good." Those lean and toned arms crossed over her puffed-up chest, presenting tributary veins raised down her forearms into the back of her hands. As in class, I tried not to admire my weakness. "Nice try with the water sounds inspiration, but I'm good. Didn't bring anything to drink."

Damn. Operation Bladder Assault failed. Wait... was she suggesting that she didn't sweat enough? Her face was flushed, and her hair was damp. Perspiration dotted her upper lip during sun warrior, but the concave divot above her bow-like upper lip was dry as a bone. "Might need some. You look... thirsty." I should have stopped engaging further, but my inner bitch mode activated. "Then again, you didn't listen to a damn thing I suggested, so why start now?"

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