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Despite another hurled insult, her unhappiness shot satisfaction through me. About time it was reciprocated.

"For Jennie's commitment and discretion, Lisa will pay Jennie's YG Accounting salary." Jackson doused my satisfaction, sounding more like Jennie's agent than mine. A whole week's salary for three hours' worth of work was excessive. "Hold up." I said when his hand sliced over his throat, and his glare cut me off. Jackson never challenged me, instead bending over backward too much to indulge my requests. So, I shut up. Jennie shifted in her seat. Her eyes dropped to where she picked on her index finger's cuticle. It was ripped off, and her nail stub was lined red. After a few moments of silence, her lips pursed. "Fine."

"Lisa?" Jackson gave me a 'take the deal, you bloody idiot' look.


"Good. Mina will draft the contract agreement for your signatures by the end of the day." He pulled out his phone.

Bambam sat up straight at the mention of my lawyer - Mina. Man crushed hard, with zero chance given the messy divorce that Mina is battling through with her cheating spouse.

"We'll talk tonight." Jackson's words caught my attention, but he looked at Jennie. "Bam, get Jennie what she needs and see her out. Lisa, a word, please."

"I have one more condition." The smug undertones in Jennie's voice raised my suspicions.

"Fucking hell." I squeezed my hands into fists. "You're getting my money. What more do you want? An autograph or my merchandise?"

"Lisa!" Jackson cut in.

Drawing her shoulders down and lifting her chin, she returned to my chair. Hovering taller than me, she palmed my armrest, leaning over. Her V-neck top dipped. Don't look. I looked. I can't help it. My peripheral view was phenomenal. Saliva pooling below my tongue, I forced my eyes on hers. They flamed with equal parts heat and attitude. "Lisa has to admit that she needs me."

"What!?" I barked out a laugh. "For a small studio yoga teacher, you've got..."

"Finite patience." she interrupted and pulled upright. Her hip curved a mouth-watering line that jutted out. She rested her hand there, fingers tapping. "I'm waiting, Lisa."

A side look at Jackson showed an open-handed gesture. Swallowing the room's worth of humility, I grunted out the words she wanted to hear. They left a horrible taste. "I need you, Jennie."

Her sugary sweet smile returned, and the softness from her palm patted my cheek. "Good little puppy."

Escorting her out, Bambam suffocated from not laughing. His broad shoulders pitched, and a vein popped on his neck. Silence followed them until Bam shut the door. I unlocked my clenched jaw the second the door clicked. Jumping up, I stomped back and forth. How was I the one fucked over here? Swinging tight fists, I couldn't believe it. "Jackson, what the fuck did you convince me of!? I don't need yoga, and I sure as fuck don't need her!"

He leaned back and sighed. "Then why did you..."

"Why the fuck are you so close to this bitch!?" I threw my hands up, wanting to smash them into his office furniture until it was sawdust. "Now I'm paying her!? Jennie is..."

"Breathe, Lisa. Sit down. And don't call her a bitch." Jackson warned in a low, smooth tone. "She's my sister."

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