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My heart pounded as she approached, one long step at a time, and maneuvered around mats. Unlike my clumsy elephant steps, Jennie glided through the space like water. Her piercing brown eyes stared, dark as melted chocolate and edged with hatred. I was a rat slipping under the door crack and into her class. Without the shit in her arms, her black, fitted tank top and ankle-length leggings displayed lithe limbs. Her tits and ass were phenomenal, rounded, and tight, but her toned and elongated muscles drew my focus.

She was quite tall. And this sort of women were my weakness. Kendall was taller, but this woman was different from my ex. Her chin lifted Jennie's head to my shoulder, and the bun on the top of her head reached my jawline. Random black strands framed the sides of her face. More curled at her hairline when she turned her long neck. Her lashes were so thick, they looked fake. They framed her round, brown eyes, searing with heat the more she glared at me. Light freckles dotted her cheeks and shoulders. Her nude nails were ragged. She chewed them. Absent of makeup, nothing stood out in her plain, and stripped-down appearance.

She was gorgeous... and looked at me like she wanted to chop off my dick and ram it down my throat. Why that heated, unwelcome look burned in her eyes, I had no fucking clue. It started in the parking lot when I teased her, then again at the drinking fountain when I tried to apologise. I couldn't help myself. She carried herself with cold, standoffish air, but heat simmered beneath the surface.

This one's got a stick up her ass for sure. Why did she draw me in? No fucking idea. My feet shifted, and tightness squeezed my throat. Face-to-face, I wasn't used to being looked at as an inconvenience, or a burden. People gave me shallow looks of want, especially women. The room's eyes burned with curiosity and attraction at me.

Not hers. Maybe I fucked her in college? Her unplaced air of familiarity was addictive. I would've remembered those legs wrapped around me. The hairs on the back of my neck weren't the only part of me that rose. Guessing how bendable those long, shapely legs were wasn't helping the ache tightening in my briefs. Neither was my first dry spell in four years.

In a blink, her expression shifted. Her smile fired off all kinds of red flags. "Welcome, Lisa."

It wasn't a sweet, warm, welcoming smile. No, it was too big, too many teeth–fuck, she had nice teeth. The flickers lighting up her dark eyes should have been a roadside flare signal fired up next to a broken-down car. I challenged her smile, her lifted chin, and her clenched teeth with my version. My ego championed my reactions. I had this. I am a professional athlete whose body is in the prime of its life.

"As a reminder." A chill slipped into her voice, and she eyed my phone in hand. "Please silence all electronic devices."

"You have yours." slipped out of my mouth. Hushed gasps, 'shut up, moron' looks, and a side of glares were thrown at me.

Jennie stood up taller, blinking those thick lashes. "Mine is for music. Unless you want to practice in silence? It'd be an extra challenge, if you're up for it."

She poked the same stick Jackson used to get me here, making my nostrils flare. Glancing left, Yuh-jung's head shook, and she mouthed 'abort.' I was too far lost, too committed to my stubbornness. "Any challenge that you have, I'm game."

Jennie's stubborn eyes studied mine. My pulse buzzed as a sparkle appeared. Her chin lifted, and so did mine. She crossed her arms; mine were larger. Her smile widened; I grinned and winked. "Alright." she whispered. "Lie down, knees up to your chest."

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