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Yuh-jung whimpered. "Jennie? We're not starting with savas..."

"You've been laying down." Smugness seeped into her voice. "Join us whenever you're ready, Lisa."

I was so fucking ready for... I had no idea what. As I lay down, a small doubt crept in. Blood rushed through my veins, thudding in my forehead. Looking at the ceiling, I expanded my chest with a sigh.

"Right leg straight, left leg up to the ceiling," Jennie's singsong voice made me tuck my chin. What did that coy smile have cooked up in her mind? "Point your toes, then flex your heel."

Jennie's warm-ups were easy. I followed her instructions, one crack of my joints at a time. We rolled our ankles, circled our knees, and stretched our hips. On all fours, the girl ahead of me smirked over her shoulder, exposing her ass to my face. Dina? Donna? Whoever she was, she eye-fucked me since I first entered. I looked away.

"Right knee up. Use your best impression of a dog meeting a hydrant." Jennie barked. "Circle your knee, warming up the hip joint."

This wasn't so... ouch. A slow pressure built up in my hip socket, sparking firework crackles on my first circle.

"Cracks and pops are a compliment." Jennie's encouragement contrasted with her smirk at me. "Let those out. Release that tension and stiffness gripping your joints. Straighten your leg to the side, kicking the heel. Hovering, use your breath."

I scoffed. This was easy, with no benefit to my shoulder. Heat thrummed down my legs, and my kneeling leg's glutes engaged, but I held strong. Warmth flowed through my braced core. Each second slowed, and my breath was unaffected by the time Jennie released us.

The second side hurt my standing knee glute like a bitch. My body sighed with relief at her voice. "Knees down, arms reach ahead, pulling hips to heels for balasana, child's pose."

My right shoulder tugged with tension that, unlike my hips, refused to release. I froze with my eyes on my mat. A warm hand rested on my lower back. "Tuck your arm down." Soft, smooth fingers encircled my wrist, sliding my arm until I reached for my heels. The shoulder discomfort disappeared, replaced by a heated stretch, and my skin tingled after she removed her touch.

"Stay laying down." Jennie elevated her voice. "Palms press, hips lift high and back, push arms and tuck ears between elbows, adho mukha shvanasana, downward facing dog."

Fuck no, I was not laying down. Gritting my teeth, I powered up. My shoulder protested as I lifted my ass, blood flooding my head. I aligned my ears with my straight-armed elbows. Correction: I attempted to line up, one crack in my back at a time. Looking at the back wall, I let out a sharp exhale. My shorts rolled down, pooling around my ass and exposing my thighs. Tug after tug erupted in my shoulder, but not so bad.

"Rolling forward for chaturanga, option knees down." We propelled forward, the rolling motion tugging my shoulder back. I stayed on my toes, earning Jennie's glare.

"Lowering halfway down, elbows hug ribs."

My shoulder protested on the way down, and my heart throbbed while holding the position. It engaged my entire body and twisted my face with tension. Blood and heat surged through me, igniting every muscle in my body. My abs groaned, my thighs quivered, and dull pain glowed in my shoulder.

"Lowering down, rolling shoulders, and pressing halfway up. Breathe in. Lift chests proud for urdhva mukha svanasana, updog... good, curling toes under, squeezing abs tight, lifting back up, downdog."

I gasped with relief when the pain evaporated from my shoulder. After three more rounds of whatever the fuck that movement was, Jennie's smile was wickedly devious. "Let's get started."

She guided us through a workout unlike any I'd ever had. I'd stretched, of course, but she first worked the large muscle groups with slow, purposeful movements until they sang with heated fatigue. Her stabiliser focus highlighted every weakness in my body, and more than a sore shoulder pummelled my ego with a meat tenderiser. My ankle ligaments wobbled during balance, making me a tree shaking in a storm within a class of statues. With zero range of flexibility, my hip flexors were short, and my spine compressed.

My steel-corded shoulder pushed back in a few movements, but I powered through. Only warrior poses resonated with me. They flowed a warm pride through me. Tall and mighty, I stood as a fucking lord.

Except for the obvious display of my... assets. I wore the wrong shorts. When upside-down, they puddled at my ass cheeks. Whenever our hips opened, my junk presented on full display. Whenever Jennie showed some leg crossover moves, my balls smashed their heads against each other. Brilliant... and it was beyond uncomfortable. Smirk after smirk, she knew.

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