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The frailty of my thoughts dissolved under a rash of light-headedness and heat that enflamed me. Her apologies continued as her body closed the gap. Her fingers dug into my hips, a grounding pinch that throbbed lines of excitement up my thighs. A quick tug compressed my lungs against her hard chest, shortening the breaths passing through my nose.

A slammed contact in my backside made my head spin. Or maybe it was the way her lips pressed and sucked mine like her life depended on it. They were warm, soft, and addictive. Her angry, possessive hold clenched my stomach. I needed them more than I needed anything else at this moment. Except for the door being locked.

That we both needed.

"You came." Shivers trembled down my spine when her legs slotted between mine and nudged them wider. The edge of my skirt curled up, but the air that kissed my heated skin was nothing to Lisa's hand lifting my leg around her waist and pressing her swelling interest against mine.

Her mouth moved to harsh, sloppy pecks down my jawline, approaching my ear. "Look at you. So beautiful." Her groaned words vibrated down the side of my neck. "Do you know how much I've missed you, darling?"

"I have some idea." I shifted my hips against the hard column, pressed long and thick between my folds. This was bad. So bad. But also, oh, so good. Ache swelled with sensitivity where we connected, a rub of warm friction that throbbed the nerves behind my underwear's flimsy barrier. Arousal tickled and pooled inside me.

"Fuck, I can't think straight with you wearing that." The way her hips rolled into mine, I wished my dress was also rumpled up on the floor. Two hours of prep tonight, including shaving off all the right hairs between mumbled practice apologies in the shower, were worth it to hear those words. The black lace edge of my skirt raised from hugging my thighs to bunched under Lisa's grip on my hips. Soaked and ruined, I wanted my panties gone.

My answer was stolen by the shaky breath I took in. Her mouth opened, fanning warm breaths down the small plunge of my neckline to where my breasts poked sharp points. Her hand was warm under my skirt, fingers tracing up my thigh before squeezing the back of it and pulling me closer.

Dark determination burned in her eyes. My heart pounded at seeing them flooded with the same lust that surged through me. Curling my fingers over her shoulders, I wanted her. In the way she left me speechless, the way her stubbornness challenged mine, and despite all the ways I misjudged her, I wanted her. Speech wasn't my friend because, "I want you, Lisa." came out in a desperate, and needy whisper.

She shifted against me. Her erection slotted between my legs, rubbing heated lines of friction over my nerves. They throbbed with need, slicking wet as her fingers hooked my underwear and dragged it down. Cool air hit my heated skin.

Oh fuck. "Lisa." I whispered as her lips trailed hot down the side of my neck, then curved to my shoulder. My eyes stretched wide when her finger dipped into my wet heat, making my insides squeeze around the intrusion. "I'm sorry. We should..."

"Lisa?" A loud knock at the door signalled my cock-blocking brother. One look at my inflamed face showed I needed a cold shower. Lisa's second finger slipped inside. Inward curls rubbed the right spot and parted my legs wider. I slacked my head against her chest and screwed my eyes shut.

"Ten minutes!" she called. Her fingers pushed deeper in until her palm bumped my outer folds. My clit pulsed. A moan strained the chords of my throat.

Jackson sighed. "I'll give you guys twenty minutes! Nothing more!"

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