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As for Jennie. Fuck. Effortlessly, her body twisted and bent into phenomenal, curved shapes that made drool pool under my tongue. Her warriors struck me into damn hypnosis. She was strong, humble, and grounded. My brain dizzied, and my lungs burned empty of oxygen. The prick between my legs twitched more times than I counted.

Beyond her simple cues, I didn't understand a fucking mookity-gobblegookity-asana word she said. My height worked in my favour, giving a clear view of how she moved... except she never fucking stayed still. From person to person, she worked the room. A true teacher, she guided people, adjusted their feet, offered soft encouragement, and showed simpler options if they struggled.

And fuck, her touch spoke a distinct language. Soft and delicate skin covered her insistent, corrective nudges. Moving with purpose, she respected the professional line. Goosebumps raised on the inside of my knee. The back of her hand guided it over my ankle, the extension of her fingers tickling the fine hair on my inner thigh. Her cold toes chilled my heated heel, aligning my back leg.

Constriction compressed my lower back when her fingers lifted my bicep to my ear. "Reverse virabhadrasana, sun warrior."

The movement flamed my shoulder, swelling the muscle fibres with fatigue. My breath was spent and trickles of sweat dripped down my forehead. Quivers radiated my rotators. Locking my legs, my hamstrings tightened, and my calves burned. The seconds ticked into an hour.

"Breathe." she called to a rush of soft breaths.

Laying on our bellies, shoulders rolled back and hands grabbing my ankles, the ligaments behind my right shoulder blade were as tight as steel cables supporting a suspension bridge. They screamed during whatever the fuck punishment move she did that crashed me to the floor. We stood, widened our feet, and squatted as if we shit on the floor. My legs had terrible, frog-like positioning, but I palmed the floor as per her demo. Leaning my weight on my splayed fingers, I bent my arms and stacked my knees on my triceps like her. I got it. Pride surged through me. Unlike her magical floating stance, my balance faltered. Oh... I don't got it. Large human down!

With a forward pitch, I went the only way possible. My cheek slammed into my mat, where the purple rubber and bruised ego filled my vision. Smacked skin rang out, followed by my grunt. Rubber and sweaty feet filled my nose.

Jennie was at my side in two steps, not hiding her smile. "You alright?" I nodded, while rubbing my hot skin into the mat. Realising I wasn't hurt, she shot me the same heated glare. "See me after."

I sat out the rest of that torturous pretzel. Yuh-jung smiled at me from her floating position. Show off. Except for falling on my fucking face, the class ignored me and did their shit. While unexpected, I recovered until Jennie slipped us into a knee-hugging pose that released farts near me. Feeling built-up pressure, I clenched my ass as if concealing nuclear launch codes.

My mat space being open became crystal clear. Yuh-jung was a gassy old gal. She moaned and let out a few squeakers when we twisted. Her gassy releases turned the back row into a gas bomb. Jennie's smirk during the 'wind-relieving pose' revealed my stubbornness found a worthy opponent.

By the end, I lay flatlined in a heap of humility. If I was a broken-down car, she was the mechanic who hauled me to the junkyard. I didn't know I was being pressed and crumpled into a shoebox until after my feet crunched into my face. My sweat-soaked skin stuck to a rubber mat I didn't fit on. Uneven, raspy breaths pitched through my chest. Jelly was the best description of my spent limbs.

Jennie offered that too-sweet, triumphant flash of teeth. "Take a slow, deep breath." she purred, dissolving her harsh, and unforgiving voice. "Closing your eyes, preparing for meditation."

She sat with her feet tucked under and hands on her knees. Her head bowed, thick lashes covering her eyes. Pulling out her blue notebook, she opened it and sighed when the pages stuck together.

I was an ass. That notebook was not for an autograph. Soft and sweet, her meditation voice resonated like a gentle breeze. My shoulders relaxed under a weighted heaviness, letting gravity pull me down as she said. However, my ears picked up every prick of movement, and every breath.

A million thoughts raced through my mind. I indulged them because otherwise, I'd fall asleep. Retracing tonight's class and the ridiculous idea that I needed this type of workout blended into my failed relationship with Kendall. Neither of us contacted the other. My initial moments of freedom were short-lived because both our good times and mistakes surfaced. Four years was a long time with good memories and heated arguments, but she was right. We were done. So very done.

Satisfaction opened my eyes when Jennie announced the class was over. I grinned up to the ceiling. Heated throbs in my shoulder, chased by numbness and another death glare from Jennie. I made it, but at what cost?

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