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Full confession: the dog was a gamble. I was getting the architectural plans from James' office when I got a text from Paws for Cause and picked up the puppy on my way out here. I wouldn't have used any other architect, but I gave him the planning job of building a rehabilitation and therapy centre for Nancy covering my ass this year.

The happiness that brightened Jennie's face? Worth the gamble. Jackson's pissed-off reaction? Even better. I hadn't mentioned my full plan, which included a yoga and fitness studio, and the separate job audition I scheduled for her on Monday. Those reminders evaporated when she gasped at the back of my truck all decked out. "Too much?" I cringed at the layers of blankets and lights that looked like a high schooler trying to score with a prom date. "I didn't know how long you'd want to hang out here."

The corners of her lips, which mine needed to be against sooner than later, curved up. "Looks like how I imagined losing my virginity... but with effort."

I scratched at the back of my neck and took in the puppy, passed out in Jennie's arms. We walked the bumpy dirt road inside the eyesore fence until we all panted. A round of water from the cooler of food I brought was all she needed before her eyes rolled closed. "Any name in mind?" I held up her small crate.

"Indigo." she whispered, shooting me a smile that warmed my skin.

"As long as you don't paint her that colour." I teased as Jennie put the puppy in her crate.

Her smile widened as she peered into the food cooler I brought. "How long were you planning on staying?"

"I'll stay all night if you want."

Her eyebrows lifted as she stood upright, catching my innuendo. The heat in her eyes broiled my skin hotter than the setting sun. It painted a golden glow around her as she stepped close and curled her fingers into my shirt at my sides. "Thank you." She lifted on her toes and pressed the words into my lips.

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