Assassin, Looting Schmucks, and Cultivation Realms

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When the city was just coming into sight, I felt a disturbance in the mana of something hurtling towards us and quickly erected a barrier.


Something crashed into the barrier and exploded, causing the air to ripple with fire and heat.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The barrier was hit in succession, causing large explosions each time.

When the fire dissipated, several meters of ground outside the barrier were scorched and I could smell burnt grass lingering in the air.

I looked in the direction it came from and saw a figure standing in the distance wearing a black cloak that covered his face.

I used earth magic under his feet, trying to trap him. He attempted to jump out of the way, but I turned the air around him into a barrier, blocking his escape. He countered with a platform of air under his feet, keeping himself from sinking into the ground.

Even though it wasn't the way I had originally tried to trap him, it got the job done and gave me some insights into fights between mages.

I could hear him cursing out his employer as we walked closer.

Lila never got off my back the entire time, just calmly hanging on.

I wanted to find out who the employer was, although I figured I knew.

I put on a board expression, "I don't care about you, who sent you?"

He looked terrified.

"I-I don't know; everything is anonymous. I promise I'll never attack you again, and I'll also try to find out if you spare me!"

I waved my hand, and a blade of air took his head off; both pieces of his body fell to the ground where they were incinerated.

"Well, let's go pay the fools a visit."

After we entered the city, I made a platform of air under my feet, and we levitated to several hundred feet above the city.

Making our way over to the Schmuck's mansion, I set us down in the backyard.

Lila climbed down from my back and stood beside me.

"Why not just crush the place?" She asked.

"I will, but I want to confirm that they sent him for sure so we don't miss anything."

I walked in the door and scanned the house for the locations of people. A few in the kitchen and another 4 in other places around the house.

I went upstairs first, walking through the hallways to the room I thought was Azreel's. After casting a silencing barrier, I opened the door.

When he started shouting about how I was alive, I was able to confirm he was indeed the one who sent the assassin and decided that I wouldn't waste time talking to a fool and killed him, then devoured the body.

We decided to look for any valuables we could use before leaving. We searched the room; I was hoping to find mana stones, but we only found some gold, better than nothing though.

I decided that we could just ask his father if they had any mana stones when we went to the other side of the house to see him.

When we arrived at the study, and I repeated the process of casting a silencing barrier before opening the door, he also started shouting when he saw us, but no one could hear, it was rather annoying so I muted him with a spell.

"Hey, De'ol, since you guys sent an assassin after us, it's only right you pay some compensation, right? What do you think?" I removed the muting spell.

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