Improper Feeding Techniques and Planning for the Big Day

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I awoke when I felt movement around me. Opening my eyes, I saw Luna trying to peel my arms off from around her without waking me. I closed my eyes almost all the way so I could still watch her without her realizing I was awake.

Instead of helping her move my arms, I wanted to have a little fun and tightened my hold a bit, locking her in close. She kept trying to move me, pulling harder. Every time she tried harder to move me, I held on a little tighter. Eventually, she stopped trying to move and just relaxed, still leaning against me, making a small exasperated sound, puffing out her cheeks.

I couldn't resist pinching one of them, which made her give a small jump and yelp in surprise. "Awww."

Her face turned scarlet as I picked up another bowl of stew.

"You... you..." She tried to put her thoughts together as she opened and closed her mouth.

I stuck a spoonful of stew in her mouth and let go of the spoon, leaving it hanging there. I moved one of her hands in a way that would hold the bowl and placed it in her hand, only to get it shoved in my face, spilling and running down my robe. She pulled the wooden spoon out of her mouth and used it to stab me in the ribs. Of course, it didn't cause any damage, just more like poking.

"If you don't know how to feed someone properly, I'll be happy to teach you," I said in an amused tone. I grabbed the hand that shoved the bowl in my face and placed the now empty bowl in it, holding it firmly so she couldn't move it. With my other hand, I grabbed the hand stabbing me in the ribs and made a motion of dipping it in the empty bowl to collect imaginary stew, then put it in my mouth, teaching her the motions to feed me.

Her face turned even more red. "Move! Get out! Get out! Get out!" she screamed.

I quickly stood up in the middle of the room a few feet from the bed.

"Now, I'm covered in stew from your improper feeding technique and have to change."

I bought another identical robe from the shop and laid it on the table. It took her a few seconds to realize I was implying I needed to change in the room right there before I went out.

When it clicked, she tried to lunge off the bed at me but ultimately failed as she was comically wrapped in the sheets and started to crash toward the floor. Just barely before she hit the floor, I grabbed the sheets, stopping her descent, and pulled her up to my face level. Her upper body was out of the sheets, making her hang upside down with her silver hair almost reaching the floor, and her hands were covering her face, really a sight to behold.

"Please put me down." She whispered.

"Ok, ok. I'll stop teasing you," I said playfully. I lowered her back down onto the bed then said in a serious tone, "I'm really glad you're alright," and walked into the bathroom with my new robe to change.

After entering the bathroom, I stripped off my old robe and devoured it, then washed the stew out of my hair and off my face, and put on the new robe. I walked back into the main area where Luna had gotten herself back together and was laying back down on the bed, staring intently at the ceiling.

I picked up another bowl of stew. "Sit up, here's your food. Eat."

She sat up, leaning against the wall at the head of the bed. I handed her the stew and sat at the foot of the bed, leaning against the side wall facing the door. She started eating while only looking at the stew.

"Alright, what should we talk about first?" I asked.

"What happened after... that?"

"I gave you a high-grade healing pill, it healed you enough to survive but took all your strength to do it. After you weren't going to dieee... Uhhh, don't get mad at the next part, your clothing was falling off so I gave you a new robe." I figured I was going to get chased around a bit, but she kept calm, and her face only tinted as she shoveled food into her mouth. Maybe she'd already noticed she had new clothing.

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