Youth Retaining Magic

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There was dead silence in the room. He seemed to realize he wasn't wearing any clothing, then noticed Lila, and he quickly covered himself.

"I'll be going now."

He spun around and took off back in the direction of his apartment.

I finished my paper and gave it to Herbert when Jhon returned, thankfully wearing clothes this time.

Herbert looked at Jhon raising an eyebrow, "So? How is it?"

Jhon grinned, "I feel so good, even though I know I can't do as much as I feel like I can, the effect is still amazing!"

It's normal for a mortal with no cultivation to feel like superman from a sudden increase, even if it's only a minuscule increase. Especially an old guy as an increase in cultivation is and increase in vitality also.

I nodded, "That's from a sudden increase; the vast majority will wear off after some time, but there is still a permanent increase."

Herbert wanted to know more, "Is there a decrease in effectiveness?"

"No, but it's an even exchange, so if you're getting tired and put in less, it will feel like you got less out."

They seemed to understand what I meant, and Jhon spoke up, "How much are you selling the magic for?"

I could tell he was already sold and wanted to buy, "I'll apply the magic for a fee, but I won't sell it. I was thinking 10 high-grade stones or the equivalent in lower grades. For you, though, I'll apply it once for free if you promise to advertise."

He choked at the price but slowly started nodding, "You have a deal, and I think that if you have a sample for people, they will find a way to scrape together the cost. Hehe, old wizard, I'm in luck you invited me here today."

Then he looked slightly suspicious, "What exactly does applying the magic entail?"

I shook my head knowing he was worried about being cuckolded if he had it applied to someone important to him, "Nothing like that, it's just some memorization and a specific circulation of mana. However, that does bring up a point; I should have Elaria teach it rather than me to dispel any concerns."

He nodded, "Alright, then I'll have someone come over for it to be applied to. It'll take a day or 2 though."

He pulled out a communication artifact and told someone to send someone to the magic tower in Ironguard.

I nudged Lila, "Would you please go fetch Karen?"

When she returned with Karen in tow, I had a question for Herbert.

"Is there a place to put her in the tower where prospective buyers can go for sampling?"

He thought for a moment and nodded, "There is. You should assign someone to take care of her and make sure she's prepared on time every day. You should also ensure whoever comes is serious about buying, make sure they have the crystals; the person assigned can take care of that also."

"What do you want the magic tower to receive for it's part?"

He waved dismissively, "You're the next tower master, consider it part of training. Just cover the salary of whoever deals with her; I'm sure you can pick your person selectively and work something out so the cost isn't very much."

I understood what he meant; pick someone who would like to get free vitality as part of their salary.

"Do you have anyone good in mind?"

"Check with the first floor manager; the main receptionist needs a promotion anyway and has the skills to fill his place."

I was about to go check out the room he said I could put Karen when my ring activated, a voice sounded in my mind, "Master, I'm back. I hope you have more gold though; I got the sellers at the slave market and the property I found to hold them for 24 hours."

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