Painful Pills and Embarking on the Next Leg of the Journey

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Hearing that I only possess 2% of the power of the world's strongest, I realized that I would have to eat grass for 98 more years just to match the world's strongest, let alone rule over them.

I imagined a wrinkly old man crawling in the field, giggling from insanity while plucking and eating handfuls of grass, as parents and their kids passed by. The children would say, "Look, Mom, the crazy grass-eating old man; he's still here!" and the parents would scold their kids, turning their heads away, saying, "Don't look at him. He was even here when your grandfather was your age. You don't want to end up like him, do you? They say he's cursed to live that way forever."

"So, I have to eat grass for more than 98 years just to match the world's strongest."

[Fear not. Now that you have enough energy, you can use it to improve what you can absorb. I recommend purchasing ten Grade 5 Body Tempering Pills from the system store first. It strikes a nice balance between cost and what you need for now. Though using it will cause some discomfort, it's well worth it. Say "Store" to open the store.]


A window with several tabs at the top popped up, with items displayed below. Clicking the pills tab, I saw pills for all sorts of things. I scrolled down to the Grade 5 body tempering pills and almost choked on air when I saw the price: 0.05 Energy per pill. I clicked on the button and the page for the Grade 5 body tempering pill was displayed. With tears in my eyes, I clicked the plus sign until the quantity equaled 10 and clicked purchase for 0.5 Energy, a whole year's worth of work.

I held out my hands, expecting the pills to fall from the air.

[10x Body Tempering pills of Grade 5 have been delivered to the inventory.]

'Man, I must look like an idiot holding my hands out into the air as if waiting for a magical airdrop.'

I quickly retracted my hands while saying "Inventory," and the inventory was displayed, holding 10 pills and what looked like a scroll. Taking out the pills, they had a burnt orange color and an enticing sweet smell. Remembering that Kitty said there would be some discomfort, I decided to sit down and popped them all at once. They didn't melt like the other one, so I swallowed them.

About half a minute later, I felt like I was dying. I hate that bitch Kitty for lying to me and saying there would be "some discomfort." My entire body felt like it was being disassembled, rearranged, and reassembled by a mad scientist with a chainsaw. I'm so not believing that stupid system on pain levels if it ever alludes to pain ever again. Body tempering pills? More like Pain Pills. Just pass out now.

No idea how much time passed, but when I awoke, it was night, and I finally saw the twin moons. They were each more white than the one on Earth, big and beautiful, like they were pulled from a fairy tale before being hung in the night sky among the numerous glittering stars.

I noticed I needed another bath, and my clothes needed to be washed again. Everything was covered in putrid-smelling black goo, and the scent was akin to if I had just crawled out of a septic tank. I ran straight back into the water.

After washing up, I decided to check my stats again.

Stats (Average Human stat is 1):
Combat power: 2.4
Energy: 1.33
Strength: 5
Agility: 5.2
Stamina: 6
Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 1.6
Luck: 2
Charisma: 3.2

Noticing my energy was 1.33 even after spending 0.5 on pills, I was a little confused. I consumed 1 from the grass, so where did the other 0.83 come from?

"Kitty, I hate you. That wasn't just some discomfort; it was way more than some."

[Some can mean all.]

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