Project Teaching Without Teaching

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Lila quickly put her hand around the back of Zari's head and tilted it back while pressing her body against Zari. Zari's mouth opened when her head was tilted back so far. Lila placed her lips just over Zari's, and some white sticky fluid came out.

It hung suspended from Lila's lips, over Zari's tongue that had begun to reach for it. It got thinner and thinner until it broke.

The clump fell into Zari's mouth until it hit her tongue; as soon as she tasted it, she was snapped back to reality.

Lila was shoved away from her and splashed into the water, and she bolted out of the hot tub, around Alexis, who had been massaging her shoulders, back into the house and towards the front door.

I thought she might run outside in her bikini and would have to be stopped, but she seemed to realize it and turned around, going up the stairs to the extra room where her clothes were.

She hurriedly put them on over her bikini and ran back down the stairs and out the door.

She never spit it out the whole time and only realized it when she reached her bedroom at home and lay on the bed.

She seemed to be struggling to decide what to do until glancing both ways like she was afraid someone would see before I saw her throat move in a swallowing motion. I thought she would spit it out but was quite surprised and a little happy she did not.

I'm not worried about her never coming back; she might have been scared off now, but she'll ride with us again tomorrow morning. She's begun to enjoy my company. She'll just pretend nothing happened.

It won't be long until she's very willing to join in the fun, however before that, I want to tell her who I am.

I'm also a little worried about breaking her if she's not stronger. I think I have a way to fix it.

I call it 'Project Teach without Teaching' because I have to teach her without actually getting out the chalkboard and explaining it.

Her cultivation talent was good; her current talent is more than good enough for quite a while into the immortal realms Eventually, I would improve it though, Kitty told me there is a way.

I plan to use the ability of divine sense to implant an 'epiphany' while she's dreaming where she will 'miraculously' understand cultivation. It will have to be so strong that she just knows it will work and actually does it.

Of course, to keep her from telling others, I'll spell her so she would temporarily forget it if she tries. I don't think she will though, she's not nice enough to tell others how to become stronger than her again.

Then after she gets the hang of it for a day, she can 'find' some lesser energy stones that will speed up her cultivation. If I can get it right, it should only be a few days until she hits Qi Refinement.

This also has the added benefit that I won't have any lingering worries about her going into shock or something when she learns who I am. I don't think she would anyway, but this will ease the little point of worry.

I waited for dark and left Luna and Lila sleeping on the beach, then teleported next to Nyla on the roof. Nyla was eating a sandwich while leaning against the chimney.

"Hello, Sir."

"Nyla, I'll be here all night if you want to sleep in a bed tonight, or go find the other 3."

She silently stood up, "Thank you, sir, see you in the morning." She teleported into Alexis's room.

I sat down and used my divine sense to start whispering in Zari's mind as she slept, one simple word, "Cultivation." I whispered it over and over. I know she knows what cultivation is, so while this keeps getting injected into her mind over and over, her dreams will shift in that direction.

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