City Lord Harris, Smacking Azreel, Dragon and Orcs

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The guard led us to the city lord's mansion, and we entered. A butler took us into a room with a short rectangular table. The city lord was seated at one end, and the butler motioned for us to sit at the other. I sat down, and Lila sat next to me while Elaria stood behind. A maid poured some tea making me miss coffee that neither of the two worlds had.

The city lord wore glasses with a strip of red glass at the top, and while the maid was pouring, he tilted his head down, looking through the red at each of us. I think the red glass must be something that can tell the circles of mages, like the balls at the guild.

He spoke after the tea was poured, "I'm Harris Rivers, the city lord. I apologize for what happened in my city today and would like to thank you for showing mercy to the other party."

I waved like it's nothing, "You're the second person to apologize for that guy, so this must be something common."

His eye twitched in slight irritation but also seemed to grasp another meaning, it could happen again and be very bad.

"I'll have to look into it. Again, thank you for showing mercy."

"No problem. I was in a good mood, so I didn't mind giving a second chance." Though he won't get another if I can just take care of him.

I stood up, indicating I was ready to go and He also stood, we shook hands.

Before we left the room, he said, "If you need help with something while you're here, don't hesitate to ask."

I'm sure he would be happy if I owed him a favor.

We left the mansion and headed to the guild to exchange the Ogre ears; we received 75 silver and 250 contribution points for the ogres. We split the contribution in a way that both Lila and Elaria were promoted to D rank. Elaria didn't have the strength to be D rank, but I'll have her work on that soon.

We went home, and all took a bath. Elaria made some fish and chips; the fish was flaky and not rubbery like whenever I had tried making it.


The next morning, Elaria made some rice porridge for breakfast and brought it to Lila, who was sitting on the bed before putting on her clothes, the end of her tail gliding around her upper thighs and lower stomach. I was sitting on the end waiting for those two to eat so we could leave to hunt again.

After Lila tested it for temperature, she decided to drink it rather than eat it with the spoon. She stuck out her chest, tilted her head back slightly, and put the bowl up to her lips. A few seconds later, some came out of the corner of her mouth and dripped off her chin on her breast, running down between. Elaria stopped eating and went to the kitchen area.

I felt my little brother start growing, and knew we were never going to get going if I kept watching. I lay on my back behind her, looking at the ceiling. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Elaria return with a wet cloth and clean the spills off Lila. Many scenes started flashing through my mind involving the two of them, Elaria really has patience with Lila, but right now she isn't helping me want to leave sooner.

When Lila was finally done and dressed, we left for the guild to see what other quests we should work on. When we reached the guild, Lila climbed on my back, resting her cheek on my shoulder while we waited behind the group of people at the mission board.

Suddenly, Lila yelped and jumped off, making me fall to the floor.



Dead silence.

I turned quickly and stood up. The temperature dropped enough I could see my breath. I grabbed Lila's hand that was raised slightly, with ice needles floating above, pointed at the figure of Azreel Schmuck passed out and slumped against the wall a distance away. Blood was running out of his mouth and mangled jaw.

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