Car Goes Boom! and Beep Beep, Wee-woo Ensues

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As lunch was about to end, Lila and I followed Zari to the next class and then the two after that. She pretty much ignored us, and we didn't engage in any conversations. However, just because we didn't, didn't mean others weren't. We had a total of six classes a day, and by the fourth one, some people started to notice and have suspicions. By the sixth, no one had suspicions anymore.

Even if Zari wasn't popular because of talking to people and having friends, her pretty face was. Add to that Lila and me, the three of us taking seats together repeatedly, were noticed.

Although Lila was the one sitting next to her, some people began to speculate that Lila kept sitting there because I liked Zari and wanted to be between us. Others thought Lila liked her, and some even believed Lila was my younger sister trying to help Zari and me get together.

I have no clue how they think Lila and I are related; we look nothing alike. However, I know rumors about why people do what they do need no logic.

The bell rang, and I took the textbook from Lila, throwing it in the black backpack with the rest. I stood up, stretched my back, and yawned. Picking up the backpack, I waited for Lila to stand. Zari left, and we again followed her out of the building, but there were several people between us.

As the day's classes ended, we left the building and started our walk to the parking lot where we parked.

A pompous rich guy in fancy obnoxious clothes suddenly stepped in front of us shortly before reaching the parking lot, "I'll say this once, stay away from Zari."

This guy, Zari has already been claimed by me. If he really want to die I can help him along.

I looked at him, thinking another ant wants to die, "And here's the part where you tell me why."

He snorted, "Why should I tell you reasons you need to do something? You don't deserve her. I'm warning you, stay away."

By this time, others had begun to gather. I didn't reply and just looked at him with a bored expression. The awkward silence permeated the air between us.

After a bit, he spoke again, "I said something to you! Answer!"

"I'll do whatever I want. You still haven't told me a reason I should listen to you."

"A kid like you probably can't figure it out; I told you to do something. If you don't, bad things might happen to you." He looked at Lila beside me and licked his lips, "Or others, she's a pretty girl."

"So you're threatening me?"

He looked pissed off I wasn't just agreeing and veins on his forehead throbbed, "Yes! You dumb f*ck! I had you looked up, your just a nobody."

I nodded, "Ok, if that's what you want to do. I've never worried about it when people do; they start having really bad luck."

We walked around him as he stood there fuming, then walked to his Bentley and got in.

We got in our car a dozen or so spaces away, and I used my divine sense to locate the guy's fuel tank under his car. Directly on top of it, I ignited the lesser energy and increased the temperature of the flame. The metal began to melt.


A massive fireball rose into the air.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

His car burst into flames the instant he pressed the start button, and the cars to either side had their alarms set off.

His car doors suddenly locked, trapping him inside the burning car. It's really amazing all the things you can do with magic. He started yanking on the handle but was quickly running out of oxygen.

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