𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂

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"Can't wait to be alone with you." I whispered in Alison's ear while we continued walking. I loved seeing how red, mad or embarrassed she got by my words. 

"Shut up, Tom." She said back in a quiet tone so Ryan wouldn't hear us.

My hand moved to her waist as I held it. "You're gonna be the one that'll have to keep her mouth shut tonight." I whisper in her ear.

"Tom!" She said in a slightly louder tone as she looked back at me. Her eyes were wide and you could tell that she was shocked by what I've said. I moved my hand off of her waist and tried not to grow a smirk on my face.

"Is everything okay there?" Ryan stopped making us both look at him.

"Yeah." Me and Alison answered Alison's voice more sharp than mine.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty much Alison was uncomfortable with what you just did." I raised my eyebrow becoming slightly more annoyed. What the actual fuck is this man saying. Such an annoying little guy!

"Uncomfortable?" I slightly laugh. "I was just making jokes." I say in a more serious tone.

"Yeah but could you stop? Alison is clearly not comfortable with these jokes of yours." I could beat the fuck out of this man at this fucking moment. Who the hell does he think he is?! He's not her boyfriend, nor her lover, husband, fiance, he means shit to her! And now this man is here telling me what Alison is comfortable with? Oh my fucking god! No one should even suggest me what to do with her.

I glanced down at Alison who was looking at the ground not giving a flying fuck what me and Ryan did. "Okay, I'm sorry? I think I know Alison better than you to know what she is or she isn't comfortable with."

"I totally dissagree with that." He said in return. "I think what you're doing is litteraly physicaly abusing another human being and you should fucking stop."

I had to blink twice for this one. This dude wasn't serious. "Just calm the fuck down. You're taking everything too far." I put my hand on Alison shoulder to walk past her so I could be face-to-face with Ryan.

"I'm taking stuff too far? You're touching Alison on her private parts and whispering sexual stuff in her ear!" He said in a angry tone while taking a step closer. 

"For the record I wasn't fucking touching her." For the record, I was. He doesn't need to know that tho, he doesn't have the right to know that. "And the stuff I say to her is just a big joke, me and her both know that."

"You were touchig her, I saw you hold her waist." I'm starting to hate this man more and more by second. "If she were so comfortable around you I don't think she'd be telling you to stop." 

"Okay? I normally hold her by her waist or around her shoulder, nothing special." 

"I don't know what you're trying to prove to her but it's not hard to tell that she's not interessted in you." He said back. I felt my anger boil up but now even faster. 

"You think you're so fucking special for being tall and the captain of the basketball team. You're really starting to hit a nerve you know buddy?" I take a step closer to him and narrowing my eyes.

"Please, you're not taller than 6ft. You're acting like the special one by craving women attention because the one you really want doesn't even look at you." Okay that was it. 

I punched this motherfucker right in his eye. This man doesn't know how to keep his fucking mouth shut does he?

"Tom!" Alison yelled at me as she rushed to Ryan. He was covering his eye while making ugly faces out of pain.

"Oh you dick!" He pushed Alison aside and launched for me. He gave my bottom lip a Laceration that hella hurt. I didn't bother fighting him back so the next time he wanted to launch for me I kicked him in his stomach before he could get any closer. He fell to the floor gasping for air as Alison looked mad and shocked at the same time. She of course rushed to his fucking side to help him with whatever was going on with him.

"What the hell is your problem?" She yelled at me in a angry tone as I walked past them trying to remove the blood off of my lip by licking it.

I ignored her and continued walking towards the camp. Even if I wanted to answer her, what the hell was I suppost to say? I wasn't gonna say sorry for something that wasn't my fault at all! Maybe it was my fault a little but still, her man took it too fucking far! The only thing that I could still laugh about is that I won the little fight and that all of the stuff he said weren't true at all.


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