𝓼𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻

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It was about 3 pm when I finished setting up the tent. Alison helped me a little but not that much, It's not like she knows how to set up a tent herself, she'd probably give up the first day if she went on the show naked and afraid.

I walked to my bag taking out a towel to wipe off the sweat that's been running down my forehead. We were in a dark, cold forest but somehow it still managed to get hot while I was working on the tent. The tent could fit probably 5 people in it and I couldn't help but be surprised that our teacher could afford it. 

I dropped the towel and went around the campsite looking for my friends, anyone that I could talk to. There's no signal here so it makes it harder not to be bored as fuck. I noticed Alison and her friends talking beside Bill and Gustav's tent which was also shared with Christina and Diane.

I walked up to them and put my arms around Alison's shoulder while the other one remained in my pocket silently. "Hey, ladies." I said in my usual flirty tone. We were all a part of the same friend group so it wasn't weird or new for them that I was acting this way.

"Get your dirty arm off of me." Alison spat at me and I smiled as I caressed her shoulder gently. Even tho I hated her so fucking much I still loved seeing her mad, annoyed face after I tease her.

"It's only dirty because it touched you, baby," I said smirking at her. She rolled her eyes and pushed my arm off of her shoulder. "Rude much," I said under my breath turning towards other girls. "How are the groups like for y'all?" I asked.

Christina opened her mouth ready to speak before Diane interrupted her. "Great, I love my group." Diane said blushing a little. I figured out that it was probably because she was in a tent with Bill, her crush.

"Not surprised." Lea said smiling at Diane. Diane glared at her.

"My group is also great, right Ali?" I teased Alison again.

She nodded. "It's as great as your sense of humor!" She told me smiling at me with her eyes slightly open.

I saw Christina break out a small laugh while I glared in her direction, I then turned back to Alison. I knocked on her head twice. "It's kinda empty in there." I said looking down at her.

"Not as empty as my will to see you alive tomorrow." She said hugging her waist.

Her comeback made me chuckle a little. "How long do I have to wait till I get to the interesting part of this conversation?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"That sounds like a you problem." She said before turning around to the girls and seeing them talk.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and walked away trying to find the other guys.

"Yoo Tom!" Someone said from behind me making me turn around. There was some dude from my grade that god knows if I even know the name of.

"Yeah?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Could you switch groups with me? I'll give you 20$ for it." He said showing me a 20$ bill.

I raised my eyebrow in a 'is he serious?' way. "No." I answered in an aggressive tone.

"Please, dude. I know that you're in a group with Alison and you guys hate each other so why not just change groups with me?" He said, begging me.

"I don't care, I'm not changing groups." I said walking away from the motherfucker before It could go even further. 

As I turned around I bumped into my tall fucking twin. "Tom, watch out," Bill said smirking at me. 

I glared at him. He wasn't much taller than me, around 10 cm nothing more. "Where were you?" I asked in a bit of an angry tone.

Camping trip - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now