CHAPTER 57: Wedding Time

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I tried my best to get control over my Hair, which was easier said than done. But eventually I won the fight. I put on my stage makeup and the outfit I had bought.

I opened the door of my room and just then Dandy did the same across from me. I coulnd't help but laugh at the timing and he joined me. We laughed and hugged.

"You look amazing" He said and kissed me.

"And so do you." I awnsered.

"But where's your bouqet?" He asked.

"Where would I get a boquet from?" I asked and laughed.

I watched as he went into the playroom, not long after he returned with a bunch of stuffed animals tied together. "Here!" He exclaimed.

I took the 'Bouqet' from him and together we went down the stairs. Just then Gloria was about to yell for us that the official had arrived. She nearly fainted when she saw us come down, but it also looked like she was happy? At least I think so.

"Now let's do this." I said and held onto Dandy.

"I have a surprise." Gloria said.

"Your surprises aren't good mother." Dandy whined but I tucked on his arm and his words died in his mouth.

"I know." She said but smiled kindly. "Know that everything has been taken care of. There is protection and everything." She said and we both looked at each other in confusion. But that faded away when we followed Gloria into the garden.

There stood the entirety of Jupiter's police force. And behind them was the entire cast of the freakshow. All standing in rows and waiting for us to come outside. They wore their show costumes and Elsa was waiting for me at the front of them, she looked stunning. Wearing her fancy dress and makeup.

"You didn't think we would miss your wedding, did you?" She asked. "And don't worry. We won't bother you or your Husband ever again after this." She said.

I started crying. "I love all of you!" I yelled.

"Stop that. You'll ruin your makeup and mine aswell if you keep crying like that." She said and sniffled.

Dandy already stood at the end of the rows of family, waiting for me beside the official.

"Will you walk me down the isle?" I asked Elsa.

"Only if Mrs. Mott is on your other side. She did all of this. Making sure your day is perfect and all." Elsa argued and I couldn't say no.

"Would you do me the honour Gloria?" I asked and I swear she started crying.

I started walking down with Gloria and Elsa. Meeting Dandy at the end.

"Took you long enough." He chuckled.

"Says you." I threw back and we listened to the officials blabbing.

"Do you Dandy Mott take Y/N Y/L to be your lawful -spouse-?" He asked.

"Yes. I do." He said and stared into my eyes.

"And do you Y/N Y/L take Dandy Mott as you lawful Husband?" He asked me.

"Yes. I do." I answered and kept getting lost in Dandy's eyes.

"I pronounce you married. You may kiss now." The official declared.

We smashed our lips together and I could hear cheers and cries.

Time seemed to freeze and I felt wonderful. Like I was in a dream. We parted our lips and ran down the way we came while everyone cheered for us. At the end we stopped and I threw the Stuffed animals into the crowd. They came loose and almost everyone of my friends caught something.

"Now all of you have to get married aswell!" I yelled and kissed Dandy.

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