chapter 7: goodbye friends

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I went outside and found everyone gathered at the lunchtable. I had been in my trailor for hours and had missed half the day.

"There she is!" Paul exclaimed when he saw me.

"Hey." I said. My voice cracked a little.

They all came over and hugged me.

"Elsa told us." Eve said plainly.

"Let's make the best of the time we have left." I said and wiped my eyes.

They let go of me, and we ate. The day went by way too fast, but it was a fun day. It was one of the best I ever had, I'd say.
In the afternoon we had a big feast with booze and all. It was a blast.
I didn't want to go to bed, but at 3 am, I threw in the towel. I had to get at least some rest.

The morning came too early. I got ready, put on a little bit of makeup, and the fanciest outfit I possess. I fluffed my hair a little bit and packed the rest of my things together.
I don't even remember the last time my trailor looked this empty. After all, I lived here almost my entire life.

I spent my final hours with all of my friends. My family. Until Elsa approached and told me to get my things. The whole way to my trailor, she kept quiet. Only glancing at me every now and then until she saw .y empty trailor. She wiped her face and hugged me tight.
"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." She mumbled, and I nodded.
She walked me to Mott's car, and everyone else watched me get in from a distance.
"Goodbye. I love you all!" I yelled, and then we drove off.

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