CHAPTER 46: Next steps

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"So you still want to marry me!" He yelled.

"There really is no other choice. Even if I didn't love you more than anything else, I would still choose you." I said and sighed.

"Then let's go tell mother. She will be overjoyed, not having to hide another body." He said and laughed.

He dragged me behind him, by my wrist. My head is hurting and so is my heart. Was this right? Should I not just let them kill me? But Dandy is still my love... is he not? A special man with a special condition. That's all. I was lost in my thoughts for a bit and the thing that brought me back was Dandy, squeezing my hand.

"Go on. Tell her what you told me!" He said exitedly.

"I will still marry Dandy. He is the man I love and that won't change. Even if I don't agree with what he's done. I will be by his side." I said and starred Gloria down.

"Well. That's good to hear." She said and sighed. "The gardeners will be over tomorrow. But I will NOT be the one putting Dora into the then made hole. And I don't want to see her afterwards." She said towards Dandy, who nodded silently. "Good. Until then I do not want to see you." She said and turned away.

I don't know if that was directed towards me aswell, but I obeyed the demand anyway. We went outside and I suggested to visit the freakshow, tocheck on Jimmy. Of couse Dandy wasn't too fond of my suggestion, but complied. The way to the freakshow was quiet, and tense. As soon as the car stopped I hopped out and ran around, trying to find Jimmy.

"Y/N! Oh it's lovley seeing you around." Eve said when I bumped into her.

"How sweet of you. I like being here and I'd love to chat, but have you seen Jimmy?" I asked with a smile.

"Go on then. He's probably with Maggy." She said.

"Who's that?" I said visibly upset. I was fairly close with all of them and no one thought of telling me that someone new joined after I left.

"Oh yeah. I guess you wouldn't know. She's a fortune teller, got here not too long ago. She and Jimmy get along pretty good. They're probably in the cooking tent." She said and shrugged.

When I got to the tent I could already see them. Maggy seemed to be the girl from that Halloween night. So they're close like that already, going on nightly adventures together... I felt happy for Jimmy but also sad for myself because I feel like I couldn't have something like that with Dandy.

"Hi. Jimmy! And you must be Maggy." I said as I approached them and held out my hand for her to shake.

"Hey Y/N!" Jimmy said and hugged me from the side, so that Maggy could shake my hand.

"Yeah. That's me, hi." She said and looked helpless.

"Y/N was one of us, before she had the chance to leave and start a fancy new life." Jimmy said. He laughed but his words stung as some thruth laid beneath them.

"I'm still one of you. Just because I dress different, doesn't mean I'm no longer a freak." I said bitterly.

"Just kidding, Y/N." He said and rolled his eyes with a grin.

"Anyway. Dandy and I came over, because..." Shit. I didn't think this through.

"Guess it wasn't that important." Maggy said trying to lighten the mood.

I laughed and agreed. "You see, we're actually getting married here soon." I said and choked on my words a little bit.

"You seem... excited." Jimmy said in a suspicious tone.

"Yeah. Well, ther's something I wanted to talk to you about, but I don't want to intrude on anything. This might take a bit longer." I said truthfully.

"Oh! I can totally leave you alone for a bit!" Maggy said quickly.

"Let's go to your trailor." I said and Jimmy lead the way.

When we got there he opened the door for me and closed it after himself. "So what is this about? He hasn't hurt you, has he?!" He asked loudly.

"No. Not me. And can you please be a bit quieter, you know these trailors aren't very noisecancelling." I said and shushed him.

"Sorry." He replied and his voice was quieter but not less worried.

"This is very serious. But you can't tell anyone." I said and looked into his dumb little face. "You know, I think Eve should be here aswell." I said and went to get Eve.

I took her to Jimmy's trailor and sat her down aswell. "This is very important. It's about Dandy." I repeated. They nodded and let me go on.

"What I'm about to tell you. Can NEVER leave this trailor. I love Dandy with all my heart. But the same goes for You too." I said and paced around the small living space.

"You're scaring me Y/N." Eve said and looked to Jimmy who just nodded.

"He's sick in the head. A psychopath or something like that." They're eyes went wide. "He hasn't hurt me, but someone else. And far worse... he killed the maid." I stopped and waited for their reaction.

"What..." Was all Eve muttered after I exhaled my last sentence.

"He killed the maid." I repeated and ruffled through my hair in a distressed way.

"And he almost sawed Maggy in half." I added while looking at Jimmy intently.

His eyes grew wide, his brow furrowed and he sprung out of his sitting position. "THAT WAS HIM!?" He yelled.

I quickly shushed him and pushed him to sit back down. Then he turned to Eve.

"I told you about Halloween! What happened! With the clowns!" He said while she just nodded. Her hand against her mouth.

"We have to go to the police Y/N!" He said sternly.

"We can't do that!" I pleaded. "His mother was ready to make me the murderer when she discovered what her son had done to Dora!" I said and gulped. "They'll do the same to you. You'd end up in jail. Or worse!" I yelled but hushed myself and sat down on the floor.

"But there has to be something we can do." Jimmy said angrily.

"Keep the others out of trouble. He promised me that he'll leave the family alone." I said and sighed.

"What about everyone else? There's a town full of unsuspecting people." Jimmy argued.

"I'll always stay by his side, I will do my best to regulate his behaviour." I said and huffed.

"He's not a little kid sneaking cookies before dinner Y/N! He's dangerous!" Eve said urged.

"There's nothing else I can do. He said this is his calling. It's-" I couldn't even finish what I was going to say because Jimmy interrupted me.

"Then we'll have to get rid of him first. Before he can cause any more harm." He said and stood up.

"WHAT!? NO!" I yelled and blocked the door. "YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" I Yelled as tears pricked my eyes.

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