chapter 2: only two

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"It's finally time! I can't wait. Uuuh, this is exciting!" I whispered to Bette and Dot.

"Yes, I agree!" Bette spoke softly.

"Well, I think it's a bit quiet for the show to be sold out, don't you think?" Dot asked.

"That's because there's only two people here." Paul scoffed.

"What do you mean there's only two people!" I whisper yelled and peeked through the curtains.

"You're right. There's only two... but how?? I thought the place was sold out!" I looked back at Paul.

"Oh yes. We're sold out. Those two are rich and bought all seats so that they can watch our show in peace." He explained.

"Okay. So we're putting on our best show...for some stuckup rich kid?" I asked.

"Looks like it." Dot said.

The lights got dimmed, my signal to start the show.
I went through the curtain and into the spotlight.

"Beloved audiance, welcome to Fräulein Elsa's freakshow!" I yelled and bowed.
"Tonight you'll be seeing curiosities and acts that will leave you speechless. So come on now and applaude your host. The fascinating, amazing, and spectacular fraulein Elsa!" I announced and jumped up and down.
The curtains opened and revealed Elsa  my queue to get off the stage. I disappeared in one of the many blindspots and watched Elsa do her thing. I noticed that the young man didn't look as intrigued as he did when I announced the act.
In fact, he looked a bit bored. I had seen many reactions to our show and especially Elsa, but boredom was never once among them until now.

I decided to frighten them a little bit, so I snuck over to their seats and waited by the young man's side until Elsa was done.
Then I jumped from my hideout and yelled, "Up next!"
The mother almost died on the spot, but the young man recovered quickly from my shock. I ran back up the stage while continuing my yelling,
"The conjoined twins! Bette and Dot."
The young man applauded again, but it seemed it wasn't for the twins, but for me. He beamed with glee for as long as he could see me, but as soon as I vanished, so did his smile.

The show went on, and I continued to watch the show but occasionally sneaked glances to our visitors, and to my surprise, I could see that every now and then, the young man would look around the tent. Like he was searching for something.

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