CHAPTER 52: Reality is setting in

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"I think you need help." I said merely above a whisper.
But he didn't hear me. He was too absorbed in his little powerplay to even notice me leave the room.

I walked very slowly, as if in a daze of some sort. Once I stopped, I found myself seated at the dinner table.
And as soon as I had sat down, Gloria, who I hadn't noticed before, started talking.

"What's the matter, dear." She didn't even really ask. I doubt she was actually interested in what I had to say.
But I told her anyway.

"Will he ever understand?" I asked. But all I got back was a confused look.
"Dandy. Will he ever understand that he is, in fact, not indestructible. That he can't just buy his way out of everything. That someday, his wrongs will catch up with him." I blabbeld on.

Her face kind of scrunched up. Her expression looked even more stupid than that time she asked me if she was a good mother. I don't think there was even one thought behind those old eyes.
But then she spoke. "I'm afraid not."

I waited for her to continue, but she never did. So I went into the kitchen and looked for something to eat.
Just then, I heard Dandy come down the stairs.

"Good morning, Dandy." Gloria said, and I imagined her sad, unsure, and afraid smile that she always threw on whenever she spoke to him.

"Why isn't breakfast being served?" He demanded, not even acknowledging his mother's greeting.

"You killed the maid." She said plainly.

"Well, why isn't there a new one?" He asked, annoyed.

I decided to stay in the kitchen, after all there was plenty of food here. So I hopped onto the counter and gobbled down my bowl of fruits.
But I was interrupted when Dandy burst through the doors. He looked a bit confused when he saw me sitting there.

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