CHAPTER 43: Mad House

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I must've fallen asleep after some time because I woke up in a cold sweat, desorientated and confused.

"Showtime." Dandy said and rushed out of the room.

I looked around and all the horrible images and memories from the last night rushed back into my head. I ran downstairs and hear Gloria yelling.

"Oh no! Dora has been killed by thiefs!" Dandy said, using his awful acting skills.

But his mother snapped at him, "She was a mother Dandy! She has a daughter!" Then she looked at me and Dandy followed her empty gaze.

"Y/N did it." He said after taking a sharp breath. My mouth fell open and I turned around to vomit.

"Now who is going to clean that up?!" Gloria yelled at Dandy. "I never thought you would get this bad. Dandy, why. What. How... I can't" I heard her say as she pushed past me.

"Oh calm down. Even if she had believed me, there wouldn't have been any consequences for you. So stop that disgusting behaviour and get cleaned up. You make me feel bad." Dandy said from behind him.

I could finally stop vomiting and gasped for air in between sobs. Then I turned around to face him. "GOOD! FEEL BAD! YOU MAD ASSHOLE!!" I yelled. He made an angry grimmace and walked over to me.

"This is who I am. I thought you said you'd love me. But if that was just a lie, then you'll get to hang out with Dora sooner than you might think." He breathed out and I could see tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Then he stomped away.

I looked down at the mess I made and cried again. After crying for a long while, I decided that it was time to clean it up. Since the only way I was leaving the house was either in handcuffs or dead, I figured that I could at least do my part and clean up my disgusting pile of vomit. After that I went into my room and took a shower. I also tried to get the vomit and dirt out of my costume by hand before it dried too much. Even though I would probably never wear it again, it was a task that kept me busy.

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