CHAPTER 42: What have you done?!

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When I came to be, the clown lay dead in front of me. Other than that I was completely alone. It was dark and cold. But not silent. I could hear someone yelling and crying. And I knew exactly who it was. I got up and stumbled towards the noise. It didn't take long for me to find Dandy and when I did, he was screaming up at the heavens.

"I HATE YOU" Over and over until it turned into sobs. I went over to him, and fell down beside him. This must've startld him, because he stopped his screaming for a second. "What did you do Y/N?!" He yelled.

I didn't answer him nor did I stand back up. I just let myself lie down the way I had fallen.

"Everything is ruined!" He cried again.

I rolled over, "The clown is dead." I stated.

"WHAT?" He yelled again and ran to the trailer.

I just layed there. didn't really move. The only thing I did do, was take my mask off and think about everything that had happened. 

When he came back, he was wearing the dead clowns mask. he looked mad as a hatter but of course I didn't tell him that. Instead I just stayed silent. Dandy stomped past me without saying a word.

That was very worrying. So I got up and followed him as fast as I could. It seemed like we were going back to his mansion, but I could't be sure as it had gotten pitch black. But I was right. Soon enough I could see the porch lights were on.

We went inside and meet Dora. I stood a bit behind Dandy, who was breathing heavily. Dora said something. It was directed at Dandy and it wasn't nice. I found it fascinating how she stood her ground even when he was actively threatening her. My fascination turned into horror when I wittnessed her murder.

Her eyes grew wide, her mouth fell open and the blood was leaking out of her neck. I stumbled back and leaned against the doorframe.

"Dora..." Someone whispered and Dandy looked over at me. He didn't wear the mask anymore.

"Go upstairs." He said but I couldn't move. My legs felt like jelly and I slid to the ground.

"I said go go upstairs." He repeated. I didn't answer, I just looked back and forth between him and Dora.

"If you don't go upstairs, I will blame this on you." He said annoyed.

That got my attention and I struggled to stand up. I frantically made my way upstairs, with Dandy inches behind me, making sure I didn't fall back down.

Once upstairs, he pushed me into his room. I scrambled into a far corner of the room and tried to merge into the wall. All while Dandy got ready for bed. "How could you have left the door unlocked Y/N? Now poor Dora got murdered by some filthy thief." He said.

I slowly looked over to him and tried to comprehend what he was saying. "Don't look at me like that. Accidents happen. Of course it is rather unfortunate, but... it is what it is." He said with a yawn and let himself fall into bed.

"What...?" I finally muttered. But Dandy had already fallen asleep. In his sleep he almost looked like an angel. But he wasn't one. No. Dandy Mott was far from being a saint or anything but a horrible monster.

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