Chapter 27: planning a wedding

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"Can we help with the decorations?" Eve asked.

"If you want to!" I said happily.

"Decorations" pepper laughed and clapped.

Then Elsa walked into my field of vision. Elegant, yet worn. Like always.

"Elsa." I said slowly, my smile slightly fading.

"Looks like it was a good investment." She said and smiled.

I just slowly nodded, "I've missed you." I looked around, "All of you."

"And when will the wedding be?" Paul asked.

"The week after Halloween. That should be enough time to get everything sorted." Dandy said and smiled.
I hadn't even noticed him.

"That should totally work." Jimmy declared.

We started making plans. Writing all kinds of information down and talking about all kinds of things.

In the end, we settled on a show style wedding, and the food would be brought in from town.

"We should get home soon." Dandy sighed.

He was bored and grew tired of the talking, so I agreed.
We said our goodbyes and went home. On the way, I asked him about halloween and what we'd do if he had any traditions that he'd like to tell me about.

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